Xero Error FAQ

Xero Error FAQ

This article provides a brief idea of the errors that you might experience with Xero integration. For details on how to check the error log, please refer to How to Manage Xero - Error Log.

This article explains the errors, their causes, and solutions. You can use this as a troubleshooting reference. If the error you are experiencing is not included or you have tried the mentioned solutions but they didn't work, please contact our support team on chat.

Please note, the solutions explained below may require you to change the settings of your accounting platform. Please consult your accountant before making any change, just to make sure the change will meet your accounting requirements.

Error: Payment amount exceeds the amount outstanding on this document

This error may happen to the sync of individual invoices or register summaries. It generally suggests that the payment amount recorded in the invoices is greater than the outstanding amount or it's negative. The following example scenarios are when you may get the error.
Scenario 1 - individual invoice - trying to complete the on-account sale in Hike while the previous payment amount recorded in Hike is less than that in Xero
Cause: It could happen when the payment recorded in Xero didn't sync to Hike due to some reasons, as shown in the image below.

Solution: Please compare the payment history in Hike and Xero, and manually make the changes to payments if necessary.
Scenario 2 - register summary - the amount of one payment type in the summary is negative
Cause: It could happen when the refunded amount is greater than the payment amount for a particular payment type, as shown in the image below.

Solution: As Xero doesn't allow a negative payment amount in register summaries to be synced via API, you would need to manually create the invoice in Xero.
If you need to post the journal to the accounts, cost of goods sold and inventory, please check the COGS tab in the register summary report under Reporting --> Register.

Error: Please try again!

You may encounter this error when you are trying to sync invoices, purchase orders, products, suppliers, and contacts. It means that the sync didn't happen properly when it was triggered.

Cause 1: Your authorisation for Hike to access your Xero account has expired.
Troubleshoot 1: Please check whether it's related to the authentication error, by clicking on the MANAGE button on the integration page. If you got a window popped up saying the Authentication Error, it means that your authorisation has expired. Please contact our support team for further assistance.
Cause 2: The Xero API was down when the sync was triggered.
Troubleshoot 2: If you have gone through the steps of "Troubleshoot 1", and it is loaded successfully, we will need to try the manual sync of the particular piece of data. Please refer to How Sync Now Button Works in Hike-Xero Integration for further details of how to do it.
If it persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.

Error: No Payment account found against HikePOS payment option

You may encounter this error when you are trying to sync an invoice to Xero.

Cause: The payment used in the invoice has not been mapped with an account in Xero. It might happen when you add a new payment type after the Hike-Xero integration is set up.
Solution: Please edit the sync settings, map all the payment types and save it.

Please then try to manually sync the invoice.
If it persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.

Error: Products Not Allowed

This error may happen to products, and invoices with products having this error.

Cause: The products are not allowed to sync or sell. There're two commonly seen scenarios.
Scenario 1: The products or the products in the invoice are not allowed to sync from Hike to Xero. If you want to sync each individual invoice from Hike to Xero, you will have to sync products from Hike to Xero or in both ways.
Troubleshoot:  Please check the sync settings of Hike-Xero integration. Have you disabled the sync of products between Hike and Xero or only allow products syncing from Xero to Hike?

SolutionPlease change the sync setting of product & inventory to 2-way or Hike -> Xero. Then, you can manually sync the products and invoice.

Scenario2: The product included in the invoice is not active in Xero.
Troubleshoot: Please check if the product is active in Xero.
Solution: Please search for the product in Xero and make sure it's active.

If it persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.

Error: Required Tax mapping 

The error may occur to products and invoices, including register summaries.

Cause: The tax assigned to the product or included in the invoice is not mapped properly between Hike and Xero. It might happen when you create a new tax rule after the integration between Hike and Xero has been set up.
Troubleshoot: Please check the sync settings to see whether all the tax rules in Hike have been mapped with taxes in Xero.

Solution: Please map all the tax rules. Then you can click on sync now for the invoices or products that failed to sync.

If it persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.

Error: Inventory Item Name must not be more than than 50 characters long
The error may happen to products, purchase orders, and sales invoices.

Cause: The product or the product included in the purchase orders or invoices has a name longer than 50 characters, which is not accepted by Xero.
Troubleshoot: Please check the name of the product to see whether its length exceeds the limit. Please note, as Xero doesn't group variant products under a parent product, all variant products will sync as simple products in Xero. Even if the name of the parent product in Hike is not more than 50 characters long, its variant may be. The name of the variant syncing to Xero would be like "Sneaker / Black / 8.5".
Solution: Please shorten the product name and manually sync the products, purchase orders and invoices that failed to sync due to this error.

If it persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.

Error: The account is not an inventory asset account

The error may happen to products and invoices.

Cause: The inventory account mapped in the sync settings is not under the proper account type in Xero
Troubleshoot: Please check the sync settings to see which account has been mapped as the inventory asset account.

Then, please navigate to Chart of Accounts in Xero, and search for the account. The account type of it may not be "Inventory", which triggers the error.

Solution: Please map an account under the type "Inventory" with the inventory asset account in Hike, and save the settings.

If it persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.

Error: Archived customer from Xero is not allowed

The error may happen to customers.

Cause: The mapped customer has been archived in Xero. This might happen when you had duplicate customers in Xero and you merged them.
Troubleshoot: Please check the archived contact list in Xero. 

Solution: You will need to restore the customer to make the customer sync works.

If you have specific requirements of how the customer shall sync from Hike to Xero, please come to our support team, and we will advise as per your requirements.

Error: A validation exception occurred: No items available to sell.

You may encounter this error when you are trying sync sales to Xero.

Cause: The error indicates that the product test does not have any items to sell.
To check the error please navigate to products page and check for the product.

As there is no product available to sell and if you have the button Allow Out of Stock you will be getting this error.

Troubleshoot: The inventory in accounting platform can not go in to negative as Xero does not allows.
If you have a product on hand, you can perform a stock take and increase the quantity of the product.
When you increase the stock please check if the stock take is reflected in Xero, 
After performing the stock take, please check the quantity and it is update to Xero

After checking the product, Please navigate to sales history --> click on the sale and click sync now.

Please check this and give a try and if the problem still persists, please email us query to helpdesk@hikeup.com

Error: Xero api rate limit exceeded, please try later!

You may encounter this error for products, customers, suppliers, invoices and purchase orders.

Cause: Xero has put a limitation on how many API requests we can make against a Xero organisation. As of now, the limit is as follows.
  1. Minute Limit: 60 calls in a rolling 60-second window
  2. Daily Limit: 5000 calls in a rolling 24-hour window
For further reference, please refer to the page below.

Solution: Please wait for some time, like 24 hours, and try manual sync again.

Error: A validation exception occurred: Payment amounts must be positive amounts

This error may occur to sales invoices.

Cause: Due to Xero API limitation, Hike cannot post negative payment amount into an invoice in Xero. If a change is made to a partially paid invoice, for example, removing an item, and the outstanding payment of the open invoice becomes negative, the sync of this invoice to Xero will fail because of this particular error.

Solution: Please update the invoice and payment accordingly in Xero manually.

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