Sales Report

Sales Report

To make your data easier to understand, Hike breaks down all the sales activities into these key reports.

All sales reports share the same fields below.


As with any report, choose the outlet you wish to see from the drop-down list. You can choose 'All' to check the data from all of your outlets. Please note, that choosing the 'All' option may still make some of the data unavailable, if the data is highly related to an outlet attribute, such as average cost.

Date range

Click on the date range box to choose to see data from Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month, or a Custom range.Click the APPLY button to filter the data from the chosen date period.


Click the EXPORT button to export the current report you are viewing for the date range selected.

Choose between PDF or Excel (.XLSX) format.

Filter by...

Search & select one or more products, brands, product types, suppliers, seasons, or tags to filter your results. This will only provide sales reports for the particular data you are after. 

We will now go through the sections available on the screen exclusively for Sales Reports.

Sales Summary report

The Sales Summary report starts with a table of data from Hike based on your selection (from the search filter) of one or more products, brands, product types, suppliers, seasons or tags, and the date range selected, followed by a graph.

Hike allows you to search the sales on the sales summary page to view the daily sales, weekly or monthly sales. It is helpful for you to get accurate reports on the basis of your selected filter/category.

It will be convenient for you to find the sales summary  report on the basis of products, brand, supplier and product type too and other options.

  • Sales (Inc. tax)

The amount of all sales, including tax. Please note, if you have processed any refunds, the refund amount will not have been removed from the sales amount and the tax collected amount of the refund is also not removed.

  • Sales (Ex. tax)

The amount of all sales, excluding tax. Please note, if you have processed any refund, the refund amount will not have been removed from the sales amount.

  • Refunds

All payment amount which was refunded or return refunded (exchanged time), excluding tax.

  • Discounts

The sum of invoice level discount. Please note, that the refunded sales invoice level discount will not have been removed from this sum.

  • Net sales

The amount of all sales, including tax. Please note, if you have processed any refunds, the refund amount will have been removed from the sales amount and the tax collected amount of the refund is also removed.

  • COGS (Cost of goods sold)

Average cost price or item cost price * Quantity in the sale. Please note, that the refunded sales quantity will have been removed from the COGS.

  • Gross profit

Gross profit = 'Total sales excluding tax' minus 'Cost of goods sold'

  • Margin

Margin = (Gross profit / Sales Exc. tax) * 100. 

  • Net sales tax

The net sales tax = 'Total tax collected in the sales' minus 'Tax of refunded sales refunds'

  • Surcharge and Shipping (Inc. tax)

The ‘tips/surcharge added in the sales’ plus ‘Shipping fees’ added in the sales.

Sales (by items) report

Sales (by items) report lists details of the products sold in the date range. The sales data is grouped by products by default, while you can choose to group the data by sales and data.

  • Item

    The product name of the item sold
  • SKU

    The SKU of the item sold. This is empty when the product is a custom product line item.
  • Brand

    The brand of the item sold, if available.
  • Supplier

    The supplier of the item sold, if available.

  • Quantity sold

    The number of products/items sold
  • Total Quantity

    The number of products/items available for this product at the moment. (Current inventory for this product).
    This will help you to plan the purchase of this product based on the sales quantity and available quantity.
  • Sales (inc. tax)

    The sales amount of the item, including tax
  • Sales (Ex. tax)

    The sales amount of the item, excluding tax
  • Order discounts

    The discounts applied as order-level and line-item-level ones
  • Discount offers

    The discounts applied as discount offers except for order value discount
  • Total markup value

    The markup applied to the line item when processing the sales
  • Purchase cost

    If weighted average cost is activated, Purchase cost = 'Weighted average cost' multiplied by 'Quantity'. Regarding how to calculate the weighted average cost, please refer to the support article here. Otherwise, the Purchase cost = 'Cost on the product page' multiplied by 'Quantity'

  • Gross profit

    Gross profit = 'Net sales (ex. tax)' minus 'Purchase cost'
  • Margin

    Margin = Gross profit / net sales (ex. tax)
  • Tag

          Tags are a group products. Unlike Brands, which generally refer to something specific, tags use more common words to allow for a broader search category.
  1. Type

           Product Types or Categories are a way to group similar products, together. This is to make products easier to find, through simple filter searches.
  1. Retail price

          This will show the actual average price for the product before the discounts. This will be calculated based on the Retail price of the product divided by the number of items sold for this product.

Further, you can select which of the data from the report to display. There is gear icon which will allow you to select the data you wish to Display on the report. You can hide other unimportant data if you wish.


Omit filtered items:

We’ve added an option “Omit filtered items” in Reporting >>> Sales >>> Sales (By Items) report where you can search for any Product name, brand, Product Type, Supplier, Season, Tag in the search bar and when you select “Omit filtered items” the Product name, brand, Product Type, Supplier, Season, Tag you have added in filter will be excluded from the searched results.

This report will help if you wish to exclude a specific product or product type from the Sales by Items report.

For example, there are various products sold such as Jackets, Bag, Jeans, etc as shown in the above screenshot. Now if you add "Denim Jeans / Blue / 30" and "Denim Jeans / Blue / 32" in the search filter and select “Omit filtered items” then the filter results will exclude those both selected products from the report and will show the remaining products in the list.

Sales Transactions report

The sales transaction report lists the data based on the processed transactions. In this report, you will be able to check all the information of the sale such as Order number, Sale creation date, Item sold, Quantity sold, Sale status, Payment method, Order total, User name who created a sale, and Customer name including their phone number and customer code.

  • Order #

    The reference number of the invoice
  • Date

    The date of the transaction
  • Items (Quantity)

    The line items in the sale and their quantity
  • Status

    The status of the transaction
  • Payment Types

    All the payment types used in the sale
  • Order Total

    The sales total of the transaction

  • User

    The staff member who processed the sale in the Hike Store
  • Customer

    Here you will be able to check customer's name along with their phone number and customer code who purchased the products.

Laybys report

The laybys report lists details of transactions that customers have put on layby and have outstanding amounts. Each Layby transaction will be reported separately, i.e. if the customer puts an item on layby, then puts another item on layby, each order will be listed separately. Use the search box to filter details of a particular customer transaction number within the date range selected.

  • Order #

    The reference number of the transaction
  • Date

    The date and time when the order was first put on layby
  • Customer

    The customer the layby is assigned to
  • Order Total

    The sales total of the layby transaction
  • Outstanding

    The remaining amount of the layby to be paid

By Category report

The By category report provides the option of filtering sales by different product category attributes, namely Product types, Suppliers, Brand, Tags, Season, Poducts with serial number. Ticking the option "Include deleted" will include the data of the attribute/s you have removed in Hike, e.g. a deleted product type.

  • Name

    The name of the product types, suppliers, brand, tags, season, products with serial number, depending on which one you choose in the dropdown list.
  • Sales qty

    The number of sold products with the attribute
  • Sales (inc. tax)

    The sales amount of the items with the attribute, including tax
  • Revenue (Ex. tax)

    The sales amount of the items with the attribute, excluding tax
  • Refunds

    The refund amount of products with the attribute
  • Order discounts

    The discounts applied as order-level and line-item-level ones
  • Discount offers

    The discounts applied as discount offers except for order value discount
  • Gross profit

    Gross profit = net sales (ex. tax) - purchase cost

Registers report

Registers report lists details of sales totals put through each register. If you have more than one register, can search all registers, across all outlets. Use the search box to only display details put through a particular register.

  • Register (Outlet)

    The name of the register and the outlet where the transactions took place
  • Sales (Ex. tax)

    The sales amount processed through the specified register, excluding tax
  • Refunds

    All payments returned, including taxes, processed through the specified register
  • Order Discounts

    All the order-level discounts applied in the transactions processed through the specified register

Users report

The Users report lists details of sales totals put through by each user. Use the search box to only display details put through by a particular user. Parked sales and layby ones will be excluded if the option below is ticked.

  • User

    The name of the user that processed the transactions
  • Sales (Ex. tax)

    The sales amount processed by the user, excluding tax
  • Refunds

    All payments returned, including taxes, processed by the user
  • Item Discounts

    The discounts applied as discount offers except for discounts applied to the whole order, which is processed by the specified user 
  • Order Discounts

    The discounts applied to an entire order as well as the product item level discounts, processed by the specified user

Customers group report

The Customers group report lists the details of revenue and discounts put through for each customer group. Use the search box to only display details of a particular customer group.

  • Group

    The name of the Customer Group
  • Standard Discount

    The standard discount that customers assigned to this group receive
  • Sales (Ex. tax)

    The sales amount processed for the group, excluding tax
  • Order Discounts

    All the order-level discounts, received by this customer group 
  • Refunds column

    All payments returned, including taxes, received by this customer group 

On Account report

The on account report lists the details of transactions that customers have put on account and which have outstanding amounts. Each on-account transaction will be reported separately. Use the search box to filter details of a particular customer transaction number within the date range selected.

  • Order #

    The reference number of the transaction
  • Date

    The date and time when the order was first put on account
  • Customer

    The customer the on-account sale is assigned to
  • Order Total

    The sales total of the on-account transaction
  • Outstanding

    The remaining amount of the on-account sale to be paid

Custom Sale report

The Custom sale report lists details of the custom product line items sold in the date range specified.

  • Order #

    The reference number of the transaction
  • Date

    The date and time when the order was placed
  • Customer

    The number of customer assigned to the sale
  • Title

    The name of the custom product line item
  • Notes

    The product line item notes added to the custom field.
  • Qty

    The quantity of the item in the transaction
  • Cost price

    The cost price that has been entered for the custom product line item when selling it
  • Discount

    The product line item discount applied
  • Tax

    The tax collected for the item
  • Order total

    The final price of the item

  • User

    The user who processed the sale of the custom line item

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