Importing Products via Excel Files

Importing Products via Excel Files

When businesses are moving to Hike POS, rather than having to manually create all their data – products, customers & suppliers – it may be preferable to have all information stored onto a spreadsheet, that can then be imported into Hike.

This requires an Excel file, a common spreadsheet or database, and is a popular option for many businesses – existing and new – to utilize when establishing their product base in Hike, especially when it contains many items.

When performing a CSV import into Hike, there are two options retailers can choose from:

  1. Download Hike’s file template and insert your existing data into the template’s fields.
  2. Import your own CSV file and map the relevant fields during the activation process.

On this page we’ll run you through the steps needed to import your Products list - using either option - as well as troubleshoot any errors that may arise during the process.

Note: Hike recommends you download our template instead of importing your own file as there may be formatting issues or errors on things like column headings.

How Does It Work?

Simply put, when you import a CSV file into Hike, the system will automatically look for some of the most common import errors in your CSV file before importing the entire contents of the spreadsheet into your store.

These errors can often be seen in column headings and/or mandatory fields that have been left blank, and if present, Hike will inform you of the exact problem, and you’ll be able to fix the problem on the screen itself.

Find out more about troubleshooting any CSV import errors here

Option 1: Download & Use Hike’s Products CSV Template

To begin, select Products from the Hike menu.


On the Products screen, click on the IMPORT button.


Click on Download our Import File Template Here. This will commence the download of Product.csv file.


Once the download has been completed, open the file.

The spreadsheet will appear as blank, except for the column headings that you will need to populate to successfully import your data across.


Note: If you have already added products onto Hike itself, a portion of those products will also appear on your downloaded Product template. Do not assume that all products added will be created on the spreadsheet however, and ensure that there are entries for each product you have.

From here, you will be able to fill in the columns with your inventory. You can add, delete any column headings as per your store’s requirement. For a full list of the column headings, check out our guide.



Important: If you have product variants in your CSV file, you will need to ensure you have the column entitled Is Variant Product, and that all Variant products are listed as TRUE in your CSV file.

Once you have completed filling in your inventory, save the file and upload it into the Import screen in Hike.


A new window will then slide out with two columns:

  • On the left is the column headers in your file (Data Field in your File)
  • On the right are the column headers that Hike uses. (Corresponding Data Field in Hike)

As you have downloaded the template directly from Hike, the fields should automatically map with their corresponding value, but it’s always good to double-check and edit any that are incorrect by using the drop-down box.


Once you have finished, select Continue.

You will then be prompted to save the Template of the mapping you have created for future use. This is useful in instances where your template CSV has different field names from those that are used in Hike. Next time, you import a CSV file, Hike will automatically map the CSV headers to Hike’s without you having to manually change each one.

Click YES if you want it saved.


You can then enter in a new template name, which you’ll be able to select next time you import a CSV file. Click OK once done.


When done, a Record Log will appear of some of the items that have been imported. If there are fields that have been incorrectly mapped, select Edit Column Mapping and you will be taken back to the mapping screen.

But if everything lines up, click on Connected & Validate to commence the upload.


Hike will then check your file, import successful entries and make a list of any unsuccessful entries. You will be taken back to the Import/Export screen, and under the Import Log you will find the status of your Products CSV sync.

If the import has been successful it will be shown as Processed.


If the import has not been successful however, the status will ask you to View and Fix errors, which you will need to select to troubleshoot.

Find out how to troubleshoot CSV files here

Option 2: Using Your Own CSV File

If you don’t want to use Hike’s template, as you already have your own CSV file, then importing that into Hike POS is just as easy.

Just like you would with a downloaded Hike CSV template, use the Import function to upload your own products CSV file.


Once you have uploaded your CSV file, you will be asked to map the column headings to the corresponding data fields in Hike.

Your column headings on your CSV file may look different to those suggested in Hike, however referring to Hike’s column headers and linking how your own headers fit with Hike’s can make the mapping process so much easier.

Note: Only the data fields that have appeared in your CSV will be listed.


Use the drop-down box to match each data field on your CSV file to Hike.


Once you have mapped all the fields, select Continue.

You will be asked to give your mapping a Template name. Next time you import a CSV file, you can use this saved template and Hike will automatically fill in the fields for you.


When done, a Record Log will appear of some of the items that have been imported. If there are fields that have been incorrectly mapped, select Edit Column Mapping and you will be taken back to the mapping screen.

But if everything lines up, click on Connected & Validate to commence the upload.

Note: Your Record Log will appear in the style of Hike’s template. Any blank columns may be worth considering adding into your Products manually, if such details are available.


You will then be taken back to the Import/Export Screen, and under the Import Log you will find the status of your import.

Initially, under status your CSV will be listed as Enqueued.


If the import has been successful it will be shown as Processed.

Note: If you have large number of products to import, the syncing process may take some time. Keep clicking on the Refresh button to see if your CSV has successfully imported.


If you want to manually add details to your Product, you can do so from the Product screen

If your status appears as showing errors, you will need to troubleshoot the problem

Your Products can now be viewed on your Products screen from the Hike menu.


Guide to CSV Spreadsheet Product Column Headings

This guide describes what each of the column headers on Hike’s default template means. There are only two mandatory fields – Name & SKU. The rest are optional.

This is the name of your product. Your product name can include letters, numbers and symbols. This is a mandatory field.
This is a description of your product.
The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique identifier of your product, that can be up to 20 characters long. If the SKU consists of only numerical values, Excel will convert it into scientific notation. To convert it to a whole number, check out our FAQ section. This is a mandatory field.
This is the barcode number of your product. If left blank, Hike will automatically generate one for you. If the barcode consists of only numerical values, Excel will convert it into scientific notation. To convert it to a whole number, check out our FAQ section.
Product Type
Enter the Product Type (or Category) that your individual Product belongs to. For example, a blue t-shirt will belong to the Product Type: T-Shirts. If you have multiple product types for one product ensure that you’ve separated each product type by a semicolon, (e.g: type1;type2) Please make sure there is no space in between the product type name and the semicolon as it may cause difference when you try to sync product to third party.
Product Tag
Product Tags can be useful in creating item descriptors that make it easy to find on your Enter New Sale screen. Ensure that you’ve separated each tag by a semicolon, (e.g: Tag1;Tag2) Please make sure there is no space in between the tag name and the semicolon as it may cause difference when you try to sync product to third party.
Brand Name
The brand name of your Product – i.e. Nike, Gucci etc.
Season Name
This is another tag field, in which you would label the season in which this item belongs to. Season tags can be used to specify items by their calendar use – i.e. summer, winter.
Supplier Code
If your supplier has a unique code identifier, enter it in this field.
Supplier Name
This is the name of the Supplier of your product.
Sales Code
This field is in development. Please leave it as empty for now.
Purchase Code
This field is in development. Please leave it as empty for now.
Will you be assigning any loyalty points for the purchase of this item? If so enter the value of the points in this column.
Visible e-Commerce
This refers to whether you would like your product to appear on your online e-Commerce sales platform as well. Enter TRUE if this will be the case, enter FALSE if you only want the item appearing on your in-store POS.
The depth to your product’s size, as it pertains to shipping purposes. As this is not a feature in Hike, you can leave this field blank, however if you want to record the depth of your product you can do, it however will not appear anywhere in Hike POS.
The width to your product’s size, as it pertains to shipping purposes. As this is not a feature in Hike, you can leave this field blank, however if you want to record the width of your product you can do, it however will not appear anywhere in Hike POS.
The height to your product’s size, as it pertains to shipping purposes. As this is not a feature in Hike, you can leave this field blank, however if you want to record the height of your product you can do, it however will not appear anywhere in Hike POS.
The weight to your product’s size, as it pertains to shipping purposes. As this is not a feature in Hike, you can leave this field blank, however if you want to record the weight of your product you can do, it however will not appear anywhere in Hike POS.
Enable SEO
This field is in development. Please leave it as empty for now. Used for Xero integration. If you want stock orders of this product to post to an account other than your default purchases account, add the account code you’d like to post to here. Leave it blank to use a default, or if you don’t use Xero.
Meta Title
Here, you will be able to edit your meta tags in order to help your SEO if you are selling your products online. Your meta title is the title text that will be shown of your product in search engine listings.
Meta Description
The meta description tag is where you enter in a summary of your product, and therefore your web page. This is where you will describe the contents of your product and how they can help the consumer. However, note that your description should not be too long.
Meta Keywords
The meta keywords tag is where you will enter all keywords of your product. Put simply, a user should be able to know exactly what your page is about when they read these keywords
The meta slug is the exact URL address of the website, and will most commonly be the product title.
Track Inventory
If you want Hike POS to track your inventory so you know how much stock your product has at any given time, enter TRUE in the field. Enter FALSE if you do not want Hike to track inventory.
Allow out of Stock
Enter TRUE if you want this product to be sold even when it appears as out of stock on Hike, enter FALSE if you don’t.
Is Variant Product
If your product is a variant – items with different sizes, colours etc. – then you must enter a TRUE value here. Enter FALSE if not.
Is Pricing Different by Outlet
Enter TRUE if the product will be priced differently in other outlets. Enter FALSE if not.
Variant option name one
Your variant option name will be what the variant is. For example, if your product variant will be – size: small, medium, large – then your variant option name will be size. If no variants, leave this column blank.
Variant option value one
Your variant option value will be the value of your product variant. So, if your product variant is size, your value be whatever that size is, i.e. small or large or extra-large. If no variants, leave this column.
Variant option name two
Your variant option 2 name.
Variant option value two
Your variant option 2 value.
Variant option name three
Your variant option 3 name.
Variant option value three


Your variant option 3 value.

If you want to keep this variant or simple product active, you can add True value in this column and you can add value False if you do not wish to inactivate the product.

Image URL
You can insert an image URL of your product here. This will appear in your Hike POS.
Store Location]_Tax
The following fields are related to your store’s outlet, which you created upon first signing up to Hike. Note, the location of your store will appear on your CSV file when you download the template. The Tax field is the name of your tax, set-up for this product.
[Store Location]_Cost Price
Enter the Cost Price of your product for this outlet.
[Store Location]_Retail Price
Enter the Retail Price of your product for this outlet.
[Store Location]_Stock
Enter how much stock is in-store for the product at this outlet.
[Store Location]_Reorder Level
By entering a value here, Hike will alert you when stock of this product falls below this limit at this outlet.
[Store Location]_Reorder Value
When re-ordering stock, you will be prompted on the Purchase order to buy the entered value of stock, if reorder point is reached.

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