You might need to void a payment in some cases, e.g. it was processed by mistake. In Hike, you can void a payment while processing the payment and from sales history. Below are the instructions on how to do it. For further details on how to void a sale, please refer to
how to void a sale.
Voiding a Partial Payment of an In-Progress Sale
Once you have clicked on PAY to proceed with an in-progress Hike Sale, you will proceed to the checkout page.

If a partial payment is entered for the Sale, it will show up in the Sale Summary's Payment area. If you click the 'X' button next to the Payment type in the Sale Summary, it will remove the partial payment and update the amount to pay accordingly.
Voiding a Partial Payment from Sales History
Click on any completed Sales Invoice to bring up the detailed information of that invoice, including the Payment Summary.
Clicking on the 'X' button and confirming removal of that partial payment will cause the completed invoice's Fulfilment status to be set back to Parked, and the Payment status as Partially paid.
Why can I not void a partial payment?
You will not be able to void a payment in the following scenarios.
- The partial payment has already been included in a previously closed Hike Cash Register.
- The payment is processed via an integrated payment type. Due to API limitations, most integrated payment types don't support voiding payments.
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