Completing Sales in Hike

Completing Sales in Hike

Creating and actioning sales in your point-of-sale system is just one part of the process. The other, is completing them once they have been finalized, either by the customer or the retailer. Such sales orders that need to be fulfilled at a time, later then when they were first created, include:

  • Back-Orders
  • Lay-By Sales
  • ‘On-Account’ Sales
  • Parked Orders

In Hike, these features will be completed in the Sales History screen, where retailers will also be able to Refund any completed purchases, as well as Delete or Void any Completed or Parked Orders.

In this section we’ll cover just how to complete the sales that you have previously created in Hike.

Sales History Overview

There are various components in the Sales History screen to understand, before we can complete sales, so let’s take a look at how the Sales History screen works in Hike, to better familiarise with it.

To begin, select Point of Sale on the Hike menu and navigate to the Sales History screen.

The Sales History screen gives you a complete overview of all the transactions that you have made, with complete filter and customisation options.


Use the Filter search bar to search for a particular sale transaction. Hike lets you search for one by sale numbers, receipt barcodes, register names, customer names, customer's phone numbers, and product serial numbers.

Filter By Sales

Use the drop-down box to filter the transactions via type, i.e. Completed Sales, Lay-By, On-Account etc.


Date Range

Use the drop-down box in the Date Range box to customise what sales transactions you want displayed according to a certain length of time.

Click Apply once done.


Sales History List View

The Sales History List View is about the columns occupying the Sales History section. Below we’ll go through what each column means.

Note: You can sort your Sales History List View by any of the columns except Fulfillment Status and Payment Status.


The date the transaction occurred. Sorts to date-order.

Sale #

The reference number of the sale transaction. Sorts to number sequence.

More on this below.


How the transaction was processed, i.e. In-Store, iPad, eCommerce etc. Sorts by iPad, Web, or other, such as third-party sales.


The Name of the Customer that purchased the item – if supplied. Sorts by Customer’s first name.

Fulfilment Status

The type of sale transaction that was conducted, i.e. Completed, Parked, Refunded, Voided, Lay-By, Back-Order or On Account.

Payment Status

Shows whether the payment for the transaction has been Paid in full, Pending, or Partially Paid (with the paid amount shown in brackets).

You will also be able to either Refund or Pay an outstanding amount here.


Sale Total

The total monetary amount of the transaction. Will filter by amount.

Sale Order #

By clicking on the Sale Order number, you will slide open the entire Sale History for that one particular transaction.


Here, you will find more details of that transaction, including:

  • Details of the Customer that the Sale is assigned to
  • The Items purchased in the transaction
  • Any notes included in the transaction.
  • Amounts paid, including discounts, taxes and tips.
  • Payment summary, being the number and type of payments made, if any.
  • Sale History, being the activity taken, i.e. Parked Order.


Including the on-screen information on the Sales History summary page, there are several action buttons at the top of the page.


Will email the receipt to any address specified.


Will print the receipt on a connected printer.

Gift Receipt Print

Will print the receipt, but without the prices shown. Perfect if you’re sending it for a gift.

From here, depending on what type of payment the sale transaction is, several different options may appear.

  • If sale is VOIDED, no extra buttons will appear.
  • If payment is COMPLETED, the REFUND SALE button will appear. This will re-open the sale in the Enter New Sale screen, beginning the process to refund the customer.
  • If payment is NOT COMPLETED, the RE-OPEN button will appear. This will re-open the sale in the Enter New Sale screen, starting the process to complete payment for the customer.
  • If orders were parked for FULFILLMENT, the MARK AS COMPLETE button will appear. This will change the status of the order to being fulfilled, typically used to note Lay-By items that have been collected.


How to Complete a Hike Sale that is Awaiting Fulfilment

Hike Sales which have been paid for but where the products have not been collected from the outlet/location or left the outlet for delivery will be marked as Awaiting fulfilment.

Selecting the Sale/Invoice will open a window with detailed information on the Sale and there will be a button called 'MARK AS COMPLETE', as shown in the screenshot below..  Please ensure that the customer has picked up the products assigned to the order or that it has been shipped and has left the outlet location, the simply click the 'MARK AS COMPLETE' button, which will finalize the Sale and mark it as 'Completed'.

When a sale syncs from an integrated platform, the integration name would be recorded in the payment summary of a sale. It would help provide better clarification on crucial details like, which integration placed the sale, recorded payment, voided the sale, etc.

How to Complete a Hike Sale on Back-Order

Find out how to Place a Hike Sale on Back-Order and further tips on the feature.

As mentioned, in the Placing a Hike Sale on Back-Order article, Back-Orders are placed when as an order to suppliers when a product is out of stock.

Once you’ve placed a product on Back Order, via the Enter New Sale screen, you will need to complete it, once it has been received. This will be done on the Sales History screen.

Note: To use this feature on Hike, you may need to be granted access if you are not the Administrator.

To begin, select Point of Sale on the Hike menu and navigate to the Sales History screen.

From the Sales History List View, you will need to find the correct Back-Order to action. Hike gives you numerous options to do this:


Search by sale numbers, receipt barcodes, register names, customer names, customer's phone numbers, and product serial numbers.

Filter By Sales

Use the drop-down box to select Back-Order, and the Sales History List View will only populate with Back-Orders.


Date Range

Select the appropriate date range of when the Back-Order took place.


Simply navigate through the pages, to determine the correct back-order.

Whatever method you choose, once you’ve found your Back-Order you’ll be able to select the various details to either create a Purchase Order to order the product/s or have the customer Pay for the transaction, once stock has been received.


To fulfill a Back-Order, you will most likely need to create a Purchase Order, to your Supplier, to have your stock for a product replenished.

In the Fulfillment Status of your Sales History column, you will be able to click on Create PO to do just that.

Once selected, Hike will inform you of the product and the supplier – if the supplier has been linked to the product – and enable you to Create Draft PO.


By clicking on Create Draft PO, Hike will automatically generate a Purchase Order, with a PO reference number, now occupying the space the Create Draft PO was in.


By clicking on the Purchase Order reference number, you will be taken to the Inventory Purchase screen, where Hike has automatically populated the Order with the supplier, the delivery store, and the Product Items.

Find out more about Stock Purchase Orders in Hike


You can edit the Ordered amount, if you are ordering more stock of the product. Additionally, you can insert more products into the PO if you desire.

Once your stock PO has arrived, click on RECEIVE to update the stock levels in your Inventory.

A new window will slide open, where you need to enter the amount of stock for that product Received. Click on RECEIVE NOW once that is done.


Once that has been completed, and your customer is ready to pay for the sale, head back into the Sales History and find that Back-Order again.

Under the Payment Status column, you will see a PAY button, next to Pending. Click on PAY.


From there you will be taken back to the Enter New Sale screen, with the product entered in the cart, and the customer added in the receipt.

Click on PAY to proceed with the transaction as normal.


Once you have selected the Payment Method and entered the Amount Tendered, Hike will ask you if the order has already been fulfilled.

By clicking:

  • YES: You will be indicating that the customer has the goods in hand, and the order is fulfilled.
  • NO: You will be indicating that customer does not have the goods in hand, and the order is not fulfilled.

Note: You can also enter in a Partial Payment – via Lay-By or ‘On-Account’ – and this step will be available once you complete the transaction in full.


In both instances, you will be able to print out a receipt for the customer.

However, if you have selected NO, the sale will still be marked as a Back-Order with the Payment Status indicating that it has been Partially Paid in your Sales History.


Once the customer has picked up the goods, and the Order has been fulfilled, simply click on the Sale #, and click the MARK AS COMPLETE button, located in the top right.


It will now appear as a Completed and Paid Sale in your Sale History.


Note: You can not create a Purchase Order without linking a Supplier to that Product first. If you attempt to Create PO using the Back-Order method, Hike will not automatically populate a PO for you.


How to refund & void partially paid backorders

You can refund & void partially paid backorders in Hike. Maintain a proper trail of deposits, refunds and order cancellations.

Go to Sales history, click on order item. This will bring up the order details view. Click on ‘Refund’ button, located within the header section of the order view, to fully refund the order deposit.


Please note: a backorder deposit can only be fully refunded. A partial refund on a deposit cannot be applied.

Complete a Hike Sale on Lay-By

Find out how to Place a Hike Sale on Lay-By

As mentioned, in the Placing a Hike Sale on Lay-By article, Lay-By orders refers to a customer who pays a deposit on a particular item, and pays the remaining amount of the purchased goods at a later date – generally in consistent installments.

When all payments for the item/s have been received, the customer will then be able to take the item with them.

Once you’ve placed a product for a customer on Lay-By, via the Enter New Sale screen, you will need to action and update the sale as the customer pays it off. This will be done on the Sales History screen.

Note: To use this feature on Hike, you may need to be granted access if you are not the Administrator.

To begin, select Point of Sale on the Hike menu and navigate to the Sales History screen.

From the Sales History List View, you will need to find the correct Lay-By to action. Hike gives you numerous options to do this:


Search by sale numbers, receipt barcodes, register names, customer names, customer's phone numbers, and product serial numbers.

Filter By Sales

Use the drop-down box to select Lay-By, and the Sales History List View will only populate with Lay-By Orders.


Date Range

Select the appropriate date range of when the Lay-By took place – the initial transaction date. You will be able to find the date filter on the top right of the sales history list like in below screenshot 


Simply navigate through the pages, to determine the correct Lay-By sale.

Once you’ve found the Lay-By Order, you will be able to pay any instalments on the sale by clicking PAY.

Note: If a deposit has already been paid on the Lay-By – Hike will show that the sale has been Partially Paid, with the deposited amount shown in brackets.


From there you will be taken back to the Enter New Sale screen, with the product entered in the cart, and the customer added in the receipt.

On the receipt, you will also see a Paid row, indicating the amount that has already been paid.

Click on PAY to proceed with the transaction as normal.


If your customer is only paying a partial amount, simply enter that amount into the Amount Tendered box, and select the appropriate Payment Method

Hike will then populate the Amount Tendered box with the remaining cost of the sale, click on Lay-By to place this sale back into Lay-By, but not before confirming YES with a pop-up box.

You will also be able to print out a receipt to the customer following this, with the Outstanding amount included in the invoice.

Now, once you head back to your Sales History and find your Lay-By order, you will see that the Payment Status has been updated with the new instalment.


Repeat these steps until your customer has finished off paying for the goods sold.

When that happens, you will be asked if the order has already been fulfilled.

By clicking:

  • YES: You will be indicating that the customer has the goods in hand, and the order is fulfilled.
  • NO: You will be indicating that customer does not have the goods in hand, and the order is not fulfilled.


In both instances, you will be able to print out a receipt for the customer.

However, if you have selected NO, the sale will still be marked as a Lay-By Sale with the Payment Status indicating that it has been Partially Paid, and the Fulfillment Status as Awaiting Fulfillment in your Sales History.

Once the customer has picked up the goods, and the Order has been fulfilled, simply click on the Sale # or Awaiting Fulfillment, and click the MARK AS COMPLETE button, located in the top right.

It will now appear as a Completed and Paid Sale in your Sale History.


Note: You can also pay your customer’s lay-by by clicking on the Sale # in your sales History and selecting RE-OPEN at the top right of the screen.

This will bring up the Enter New Sale screen, where you will also be able to fulfill the Lay-By sale.


How to refund & void partially paid Laybys

You can refund & void partially paid Layby orders in Hike. Maintain a proper trail of layby deposits, refunds and cancellations

To refund a layby, go to Sales history, click on order item. This will bring up the order details view. Click on ‘Refund’ button, located within the header section of the order view, to fully refund the order deposit.

Or you can find the sale under Sales history, click on the sale number you need to refund & discard, you will see the option to "refund & discard" on the top right of the slid in page, select the payment option you would like to refund with it will automatically mark the sale as voided.

How to Complete a Hike Sale ‘On-Account’

On-Account orders refers to a customer having an account with Hike and allowing them to put items on credit to pay the balance at a later stage. The key difference between On-Account sales and Lay-By sales is that the customer will be able to take the goods home immediately.

Once you’ve placed a product for a customer ‘On-Account’, via the Enter New Sale screen, you will need to action and update the sale as the customer pays it off. This will be done using the Sales History screen. You will also be able to reconcile an On-Account payment via bulk payment. Both methods will be shown here.

Note: To use this feature on Hike, you may need to be granted access if you are not the Administrator.

Reconcile an ‘On-Account’ Sales via Sales History

Customers who pay using ‘on-account’, may elect to pay off the sale in full. If that is the case, using Hike’s Sale History section.

To begin, select Point of Sale on the Hike menu and navigate to the Sales History screen.

From the Sales History List View, you will need to find the correct On-Account sale to action. Hike gives you numerous options to do this:


Search by sale numbers, receipt barcodes, register names, customer names, customer's phone numbers, and product serial numbers

Filter By Sales

Use the drop-down box to select On-Account, and the Sales History List View will only populate with On-Account Orders.


Date Range

Select the appropriate date range of when the On-Account order took place – the initial transaction date.


Simply navigate through the pages, to determine the correct On-Account sale.


If a customer is ready to pay the full amount of an ‘on-account’ sale, or if this is the agreement between you and your customer – then selecting PAY in the Payment Status will achieve this.

Simply click on PAY on the ‘on-account’ sale you wish to reconcile.


Once selected, this will take you back to the Enter New Sale screen, where the sale will be automatically populated in the Receipt.

Click on PAY to complete the sale as normal and finalize the ‘On-Account’ payment.


Reconcile an ‘On-Account’ Sale via Bulk Payment

Customers can also choose to Bulk Pay their ‘On Account’ sales, whereby they can make payments in instalments.

To perform this function, you will need to bring up the Customer’s Account.

Once you have selected your customer (from the Customers List View) click on BULK PAYMENT next to the Customer’s Sales History.


Clicking on BULK PAYMENTS will open the Pay Outstanding Invoices screen in Hike.


For the customer to complete the payment of outstanding invoices on account, you will need to complete the relevant fields.

Total Payment

How much is the customer going to pay off? Enter that value here.

Select Register

Select the Register in which the payment will be completed in.

Select Payment Type

Select whether this is a Cash or Card payment transaction.

Note: If you have multiple on-account sales to be reconciled, when you enter a value in the Total Payment box, Hike will use that to pay the oldest sales first. You can always edit those figures, however your Paying Now figures should equal your Total Payment.


Once you are satisfied, select APPLY PAYMENT. A pop-up box will appear asking you to apply & save the batch payment. Click on YES to continue.


You will be able to print out a receipt following that.

To completely reconcile the payment, simply follow the steps again.

How to send invoice receipt to customers via email

Multiple email addresses option:

E-receipts are often promoted as it is convenient for records, easy to file, and to find if you want to return an item. We are now allowing the users to send receipts to your customers on multiple email addresses via email. You will be able to send emails from two different places 1) When completing the sale. 2) By opening the previous sale from the sales history.

  1. How to add multiple email addresses when completing the sale:

  • Add product/s to the cart.

  • Click on the Pay button.

  • Select the payment type to process the payment.

  • Click on the Email button to add the email addresses of the recipients and hit the arrow button.

    (As shown in the below screenshot).

  1. How to add multiple email addresses by opening the previous sales:

  • Navigate to Point of Sale > Sales history.

  • Open the previous sale for which the receipts need to be sent.

  • Click on the Email button to add the email addresses of the recipients and hit the send button. (As shown in the below screenshots).

How to Complete a Parked Order in Hike

Find out how to Place a Hike Sale as a Parked Order.

As mentioned, in the Placing a Hike Sale as a Parked Order article, Parked Orders allows a retailer to return to a sales order that was in progress, at any time. are placed when as an order to suppliers when a product is out of stock.

Once you’ve placed a sale on Parked Orders, via the Enter New Sale screen, you will need to complete it, once it is ready to go. This will be done on the Sales History screen.

To begin, select Point of Sale on the Hike menu and navigate to the Sales History screen.

From the Sales History List View, you will need to find the correct Parked Order to action. Hike gives you numerous options to do this:


Search by sale numbers, receipt barcodes, register names, customer names, customer's phone numbers, and product serial numbers

Filter By Sales

Use the drop-down box to select Parked, and the Sales History List View will only populate with Parked Orders.


Date Range

Select the appropriate date range of when the Parked Order took place – most likely will be a recent transaction.


Simply navigate through the pages, to determine the correct Parked Order.


Once you’ve found it, simply click on the Sale #, where the Sales Order details screen will open.

If you added any notes to your Parked Order, you will see them here.

To complete the order, simply select RE-OPEN at the top right of the screen.

Note: You can also select PAY in the Payment Status column to bypass this screen altogether.


Once you have selected the Payment Method and entered the Amount Tendered, Hike will ask you if the order has already been fulfilled.

By clicking:

  • YES: You will be indicating that the customer has the goods in hand, and the order is fulfilled.
  • NO: You will be indicating that customer does not have the goods in hand, and the order is not fulfilled.

Note: You can also enter in a Partial Payment – via Lay-By or ‘On-Account’ – and this step will be available once you complete the transaction in full.

In both instances, you will be able to print out a receipt for the customer.

However, if you have selected NO, the sale will still be marked as a Parked Order with the Payment Status indicating that it has been Partially Paid in your Sales History.


Once the customer has picked up the goods, and the Order has been fulfilled, simply click on the Sale #, and click the MARK AS COMPLETE button, located in the top right.


It will now appear as a Completed and Paid Sale in your Sale History.


Refund a Completed Sale in Hike

Find out how to Complete a Quick Sale in Hike

Performing refunds can often be a pain, but with Hike POS, that process is quite simple.

Once you’ve completed a Sale in Hike, via the Enter New Sale screen, to refund it, you will need to go the Sale History screen.


To begin, select Point of Sale on the Hike menu and navigate to the Sales History screen.

From the Sales History List View, you will need to find the correct order to refund. As this has already been a completed order, it will naturally fall under the Completed category. Hike gives you numerous options to search for it:


Search by sale numbers, receipt barcodes, register names, customer names, customer's phone numbers, and product serial numbers.

Filter By Sales

Use the drop-down box to select Completed, and the Sales History List View will only populate with Completed orders.


Date Range

Select the appropriate date range of when the Order took place


Simply navigate through the pages, to determine the correct Sales Order.


Once you have the correct Completed Sales Order, click on the Refund link in the order’s Payment Status, to begin the refund process.


By clicking on the Refund link, you will be taken back to the Enter Sale screen, with the purchased items of the sale in the Receipt Cart.

This time however, you will notice that the item/s will have a have a minus tag attached, which indicated the quantity of that product that is to be refunded.

Note: You will not be able to add any new items here.

If you want to return the refunded items back into your inventory, tick the box Add Items Back to Inventory.

Note: If you wish to refund via Store Credit to the customer, you must assign the customer to the sale, at this point.

Click on REFUND.


This will take you to the Payment Type screen where you will select how the customer will receive their refund.

Hike will notify you at the top of the screen, how the transaction was originally paid for as well.

Follow the steps on your Card Payment Processor if you are refunding using card.


You can now see the refunded sale transaction in the Sales History.

Hike will mark the Refund Sale # by using the # for the initial sale with the addition of suffix -RF.


You can view the Payment Summary and Sale History by clicking on the Sale #


Void a Completed Sale in Hike

If an error has been made in the creation of a sale, it’s easy to delete or void that completed sale on Hike.


To begin, select Point of Sale on the Hike menu and navigate to the Sales History screen.

Find the completed sale that you want to void.

Once you have found that sale, click on the Sale # number to open it.


When you open the Sales History order, scroll down to the Payment Summary, and click on the X next to the amount.


A pop-up box will appear, asking you to permanently delete the order. Click YES to continue.

Your Order status will now change to Parked. All Sales History, including inventory has been voided.


Delete a Parked Sale in Hike

To delete a Parked Order completely from Hike you will need to head to the Sales History section and find the Parked Order – using the Sale #.


Once you’ve opened the Parked Order, click on RE-OPEN at the top right of the screen. This will re-open the order in the Enter Sale Screen.


Once in the receipt, click on the DISCARD button to delete the Sale.


Once you click on DISCARD button, a pop-up will appear asking you if you wish to permanently delete the Sale. Click on YES to continue.


If you return to your Sales History and find the same order, you will now see that it has been Voided.



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