How to Return a Purchase Order

How to Return a Purchase Order

In some cases, your store will have to send some goods back to supplier due to poor quality, faulty or rejected. You can change the quantity in a Purchase Order before closing it. However, if you have closed a Purchase Order, you will need to initiate a return  by Clicking on “Return” on the bottom of the Purchase order page pas per the screenshot below.

You have option to return fully received or partially received purchase order. You can return all the products or some of the products in the purchase order. Please note, you cannot return more than you received or available inventory of that product.

You will get option to  return purchase order once it has been closed. The purchase orders with 'Open' status are not allowed to return. The return order will be activated if the order status is 'Partially received, Closed' or ' Received, Closed' . Please check attached screenshot to understand each status type.

After clicking on the “Return” button, a window will slide out, listing all the products in the purchase order. You will be able to enter the quantity you want to return.

In above Screenshot, you can see the “PO return note” where you can write the reason why you want to return this purchase order.

After clicking on RETURN, you will be navigated to the page of the credit notes, in which the reference number of the original purchase order will be added as a note.

Please note: if you have set up the integration with Xero/QuickBooks, you will see the return as a credit note under bills in Xero/QuickBooks. For further information about the integration with accounting platforms, please read the following support articles.

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