How to integrate WooCommerce with Hike

How to integrate WooCommerce with Hike

Hike offers built-in integration with WooCommerce. Connect your Hike store with WooCommerce to seamlessly integrate your in-store Hike POS and WooCommerce eCommerce store.

This will give you complete control of your data, including:

  • Product details & variants
  • Product categories
  • Customer profiles
  • Sale transactions
  • Payment history
  • Inventory

Important notes before you begin the integration.

  1. For the first time sync, the data will sync in one go, any data added in after the integration will go one by one. So, we recommend you have your data nice and clean in one platform before the integration, it will boost the sync process.
  2. Hike does not allow duplicate SKUs or Barcode, please make sure there is no duplicate SKU or Barcode in WooCommerce before the integration.
  3. Since after the integration any data modification will update between two platforms, we highly recommend you take a backup of the most up-to-date data before you start the integration. Please check How to export Products from Hike, you can also export from WooCommerce.
  4. Apply tax rule: as both Hike and WooCommerce have different tax setting options, please make sure they are consistent on both platforms. This means if the price you entered in WooCommerce is retail price inc. tax, you need to make sure in Hike general setting you have “Tax-inclusive prices” ticked. If you entered price ex-tax price in WooCommerce, you need to make sure in Hike general setting you have “Tax-inclusive prices” un-ticked example as below: Tax_setting_2.png
  5. Hike gift cards, discount offers, and loyalty points will not sync with WooCommerce.
  6. Integrating WooCommerce with other platforms may affect the sync with Hike, for example, any third-party integration that changes your price, SKU, or barcode. Please test this thoroughly before the integration.
  7. Once your Hike and WooCommerce are integrated and synced, please do not delete the integration and re-integrate unless you are looking to start from scratch, if you are facing any issues, please feel free to contact our support team.

Here, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to integrate your WooCommerce website with your Hike POS. You’ll activate the integration in 2 main steps:

  1. Connect Hike & WooCommerce
  2. Apply setting rules!

    Note: To get started, make sure that you’ve logged into both Hike & WooCommerce

Connect Hike & WooCommerce

  1. In Hike, open the Menu tab, and click on Integrated Apps >> Integrated Apps.

  2. From there you will find a list of applications to which Hike connects. Integrate your WooCommerce account, by clicking on Activate to the right of the WooCommerce icon.


  3. A new screen will appear entitled Connect to WooCommerce. Here you will be asked to enter your:
    • WooCommerce Shop URL – The URL of your WooCommerce store, i.e.,
    • WooCommerce Consumer Key – Found in WooCommerce Settings
    • WooCommerce Consumer Secret – Found in WooCommerce Settings


  4. To obtain your WooCommerce Consumer Key and your WooCommerce Consumer Secret, you must first log in to your WooCommerce account.
  5. From your Dashboard, navigate to WooCommerce Settings.
    • Select the Advanced tab
    • Choose REST API from the sub-menu
    • Click on the Add Key button

      Note: An API Key is a unique value key that is assigned to a user, giving full access to their data to a service.

  6. Once you click on Add Key, you will be taken to a new screen to create an API Key. This does not affect your WooCommerce store in any way, but it does assist Hike to connect and sync with your WooCommerce.
  7. You will now need to complete three fields:
    • Description: Can be any name to help you find it afterward
    • User: Choose the User from the drop-down list
    • Permissions: Must be set to Read/Write from the drop-down box, enabling Hike to have access to your data.
  8. Click the GENERATE API KEY button to proceed.

  9. Now you will see the information details for your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Make a note of this information in a safe place or copy and paste the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret directly to your Connect to WooCommerce screen in Hike now.

    Note: Please note that once you leave this page you will not be able to review them. To integrate WooCommerce with Hike again, you will have to click on Revoke Key, to delete the API Key you just made, and create a new one. Ensure you have saved this in a safe place before proceeding.

  10. Copy and paste your Consumer Key and Secret.
  11. If you’re unsure about your WooCommerce store name, you can find it by going back to your WooCommerce dashboard, hovering on the home icon next to your username, and selecting Visit Site.


  12. Here you will be directed to your eCommerce store site, where you can grab the store’s URL.  Please ensure that you have copied the full URL including the http:// or https://


  13. Enter the Store’s URL (including the http:// or https://), Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret, and click on Connect. Once your connection to WooCommerce is active, you’ll automatically be redirected to the WooCommerce settings screen in Hike.

    Note: If you want to make sure that your WooCommerce integration with Hike has successfully been activated, Close the settings screen, and you’ll land back on Hike’s Integrations page. You’ll notice that next to the WooCommerce Integration row, the Activate option has been replaced with Manage, which means you have successfully activated the Hike + WooCommerce connection.


  14. In the future, you can revisit the settings by clicking on the Manage -> Sync settings as shown in the screen below:


Now it’s time to provide your sync settings

On the WooCommerce settings screen, you’ll be able to establish exactly how you want your Hike & WooCommerce pairing to work.


Hike Outlet for Inventory Sync

Select the outlet/physical inventory location your WooCommerce store will draw inventory. It could be one of your outlets or a central warehouse you dispatch online orders.

Do you keep separate inventory for online sales?

If so, create a new outlet in Hike and name it ‘eCommerce’ or any other name that works for you, and link it here. This way, Hike will track your online sales and orders as a separate outlet.

Your online orders will link with your selected outlet and will appear under its ‘order history’.

When you receive an online order, it will appear in this outlet’s order history as a ‘parked’ order. Now you can pick-n-pack the order using your Hike register and once dispatched mark it as completed in Hike. Hike will update the status back to WooCommerce.

This way, you’ll only need to use one system to manage ALL your orders – online and in-store.

Sync multiple Hike outlets' product inventory to your eCommerce store!

You can also display combined inventory from multiple of your Hike outlets on your eCommerce store. This way, you won’t miss out on a customer order just because your designated fulfillment store did not have an item in stock.

With the ability to display online the total inventory from all outlets, you can keep accepting online orders for an item as long as it is available at one of the locations, even if it is out of stock at the fulfillment outlet.  When you receive an order and the item is not available at your fulfillment outlet, you simply need to dispatch the item from one of your other outlets.

To keep things in order, generate a transfer order from the source outlet to the fulfillment outlet when you send the item to the customer. Now mark the item in sales history as sent. This way, your fulfillment outlet inventory for the item will remain correct.

You can select the Hike outlet from the below setting: Woo_multi_outlet.png

WooCommerce price type

WooCommerce presents 2 different price options for sales:  Regular Price & Sale Price. Here, Hike is asking you which WooCommerce price type you will use to sync between Hike and WooCommerce. WooCommerce allows you to edit the pricing of your product in those two ways.

Regular Price

This is the final price that the product is being sold for. This will apply to both Hike’s in-store sales and WooCommerce’s online sales if selected.

Sale Price

This is the discounted sale price you create/edit against the product in WooCommerce however Hike will update the price overall, or this Sale Price field if being used.

Hike Recommends: We suggest syncing with the Regular Price only as syncing with Sale Price will update all products with the sale/discounted price.

Hike register for payments

Check this box if you’d like to track and reconcile your online order payments in Hike. Checking this box will bring up a drop-down box of all the registers in your chosen outlet.

From now onwards, when you close the cash register at the end of the day/shift, it will also include the WooCommerce payments in the daily receipt summary. You can revisit this summary at any point in time to verify payments against the online order dispatches.

Hike Recommends: We suggest a dedicated cash register for your online sales with WooCommerce to give you greater transparency on online sales transactions and payments. It will also help to manage your register report because any sale sync from WooCommerce to Hike after you close your register will re-open the register which is integrated with WooCommerce. Please check How to create outlets and registers, there might be an additional charge based on which subscription plan you have, please check the Hike plan price before doing any changes.

If you are using a separate register for WooCommerce sale records, it will auto-open the register whenever this is a sale synced from WooCommerce to Hike. We strongly recommend closing this register on a daily basis or at least within 5 days since it opened as it will help to check the report and reconcile.  

Hike Tax / WooCommerce Tax

‘Hike tax’ lists all the sales tax options set in Hike. ‘WooCommerce tax’ lists all the tax options already set in WooCommerce. Map the correct tax so that when orders are synced, the tax amounts are matched correctly.

To correctly map tax classes in both systems, we suggest you create all relevant taxes in Hike and WooCommerce both and map those on this screen.



Sync Settings

This is where you’ll select how your data is synced and managed between Hike and WooCommerce.

There are different sync settings you can select based on your requirements. We’ll explain how each can be synced to and from Hike, with examples below.

WooCommerce -> Hike

Update inventory in Hike when an order is created in WooCommerce.

When an order is placed in WooCommerce, it will update the product inventory involved in that order in Hike at the same time.


  • To apply this setting, you need to make sure the products included in this sale are already synced to Hike.
  • If this setting is off your inventory may not match between Hike and WooCommerce
  • If this setting was off, and later on turn it back on, please make sure to reconcile your stock in both Hike and WooCommerce

Send full WooCommerce order to Hike and save it in Hike's Sales History

When an order is placed in WooCommerce, the order will sync to Hike, and you can check it in the Hike sales history below.

full_order_from_woo_2.png full_order_from_woo_1.png


  • To apply this setting, you need to make sure all the products and customers included in this sale are already synced to Hike, if there is any un-synced item in this sale, it will not sync.
  • Draft order in WooCommerce will not sync to Hike
  • Hike will only take the new sales processed after the integration, any pre-existing sale in WooCommerce will not sync
Do not send sales from Woo to Hike when there is no ($0) payment transaction applied.
Ticking this option will disable syncing orders from WooCommerce when no payment is recorded in it. It suits you if you consider orders without any payment as draft orders and don't want to reserve inventory for them.

Send new products created in WooCommerce to Hike

Any new product created in WooCommerce will sync to Hike.

Note: If you are planning to delete any already linked product, you need to delete it on both platforms.

Make product visibility to all outlets when created in Hike
This option will appear if you have multiple outlets. Ticking this option will enable product visibility in all the outlets when it syncs from WooCommerce to Hike.

Hike ->WooCommerce

Update inventory in WooCommerce when a sale, purchase order, or inventory take is created in Hike

The stock will update in WooCommerce if there is any sale, purchase order, or stocktake processed in Hike.


  • Manual stock adjustment for the products will update only from Hike to WooCommerce; any manual stock adjustment that happened in WooCommerce will not update in Hike, so we strongly recommend managing your stock in Hike.
  • To apply this setting, you need to make sure the products are already synced to WooCommerce.
  • Hike supports the fraction sale feature however WooCommerce does not support it. If you are going to sell your products in a fraction in Hike, it will cause problems with the stock level. Please consider carefully and test thoroughly before the integration

Send new products in Hike to WooCommerce

Any new product created in Hike will sync to WooCommerce if they have an eCommerce channel active in Hike like below (you will find how to activate it from Product support)



  • The composite product will not sync to WooCommerce, but individual products included in this composite product will show in WooCommerce as individual products.
  • If you are planning to delete any already linked product, you need to delete it on both platforms.
Send full Hike order to Woo Commerce and save it in Woo Commerce's sales history.

Any sale processed in Hike will sync to WooCommerce. We don't recommend enabling this feature, because using Hike as the master of sales orders will result in a faster and more accurate inventory movement.
  1. The product included in the sale must have synced to WooCommerce. Otherwise, the invoice can't sync through.
  2. If you have multiple outlets, sales processed in all outlets will sync to WooCommerce. However, inventory will only be deducted from the one you have mapped in the inventory settings section of the integration settings.
  3. Due to API limitations, exchange in Hike can't sync to WooCommerce. However, the inventory will be updated accordingly. 
Product Description Sync Preference

As WooCommerce provides higher flexibility regarding the display of product descriptions, you may have the product description in WooCommerce with HTML markups. Hike provides you with an option to manage your product description in WooCommerce only, to avoid the markups from being overwritten by that in Hike. We recommend you choose syncing product descriptions from WooCommerce to Hike only.

Product Image Sync Preference

WooCommerce supports product images with high resolution while Hike supports 500px x 500px as the maximum of product images. If you would like to keep product images of higher resolution to improve the experience of your customers, we would recommend you manage the product images in WooCommerce. After choosing "Sync product image updates from Woo to Hike only, 1-way (recommended)", product images assigned to products when you create them in Hike will sync to WooCommerce. Further updates to the images will sync from WooCommerce to Hike only.

Product SKU Reference 

Hike uses the product (Stock-Keeping Unit) as a unique identifier for your products. This is standard practice for most leading accounting, POS, and eCommerce platforms for the retail industry. However, some eCommerce applications do allow to create products without SKUs. To solve this discrepancy Hike lets you choose one of the following two options:

Sync non-SKU products to Hike and auto-assign SKU numbers

Selecting this option will trigger Hike to automatically create SKU numbers for products that are being added, but do not have an existing SKU.

Do not sync non-SKU products and their sales orders

Selecting this option will NOT add products that do not have SKUs. Enabling you to create them first in your integrated platform manually. Product_SKU_Reference.png Customer sync

The customer is 2-way sync by default.


Once you’ve completed all the necessary steps, it’s time to save and start syncing. Click on the Save button at the top to go on. Save.png

Hike Tip:  If the Save button is greyed out, it means you have not completed a step. Ensure you have completed everything on the page, before moving on 

Please be advised that syncing your data across may take some time (depending on the number of products and customers you have in the system)


1. How will the variant product sync between Hike and WooCommerce?

Hike to WooCommerce: If it is a variant product in Hike all the variants will sync to WooCommerce and list as variant options under one product.

If it is a simple product in Hike, it will sync to WooCommerce as a simple product.

WooCommerce to Hike: if it is a variant product in WooCommerce, it will sync as a variant product in Hike.

If it is a simple product in WooCommerce, it will sync to Hike as a simple product.


2. How the different fields are mapped between Hike and WooCommerce?

Hike product name: WooCommerce product name

Hike variants: WooCommerce variations

Hike description: WooCommerce description

Hike SKU: WooCommerce SKU

Hike retail (ex-tax) price depends on your tax setting rule, please refer to Apply tax rule.

Hike retail (inc-tax) price depends on your tax setting rule, please refer to Apply tax rule.

Hike stock: WooCommerce stock quantity

Hike product type: WooCommerce product categories

Hike tags: WooCommerce product tags

Hike Image: WooCommerce product image


3. How the WooCommerce payment method will display in Hike once synced?

No matter what sort of payment you applied for a Sale in WooCommerce, it will show the payment name as “WooCommerce” once synced to Hike.


4. If I have a sale in Hike including products having an eCommerce sales channel active as well as inactive, will it update my stock in WooCommerce or not?

Yes, it will update the stock for your product in WooCommerce if you have ticked the option “Update inventory in WooCommerce when a sale, purchase order, or inventory take is created in Hike.


5. If I don’t want to sync a particular product to WooCommerce, what should I do?

You can simply untick the sales channel “eCommerce” in Hike for that product. Please note, if you mark this product as inactive in Hike but still tick “eCommerce”, it will still sync to WooCommerce.

6. How the shipping charge will display in Hike?

If the shipping charge is added for sale in WooCommerce, it will be added as an extra line in the Hike invoice like in the one below. The shipping tax is based on the general tax setting; Hike will take only the total of the shipping shipping_charge.png


7. How do I quickly find the liked product from Hike in WooCommerce?

Once you finalize the integration with WooCommerce, you will see a sync icon next to each of them in the product list, simply click on the sync icon you will see the sync log. Then click on the WooCommerce icon on the top right corner it will direct you to WooCommerce page with the linked product. woo_sync_2.png woo_sync_1.png

8. If I have a plug-in in my WooCommerce account, will it sync?

No, Hike is not syncing any update that came from the plug-in with the third party.


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