FAQ on Integration with Shopify - General

FAQ on Integration with Shopify - General

Hike allows you to set up the integration with Shopify. Regarding how to set it up, please refer to How to Integrate Shopify with Hike. In this article, we are trying to answer some of the questions frequently asked about integration in general.

Are there any prerequisites for this integration to work?

Recommendations: We highly recommend that you do a backup of the up-to-date data in Hike and Shopify before you start the integration.
  1. You can backup product information in your Hike store by following the instruction here.
  2. You can back up your Shopify store by following the instruction here.
Pre-requisite 1: You are required to keep consistent tax rules in Hike and Shopify. First, you need to have tax rates set correctly in Hike and Shopify, as shown in the images below.

Tax rules setting page in Hike. Visiting path: Store setup > Tax rules > Tax rates

Taxes setting page in Shopify. Visiting path: Settings > Taxes > Tax regions

Next, you should have the highlighted options in the images below both checked and unchecked. Otherwise, prices in Hike will be different from those in Shopify for the same products after syncing.

General rules setting in Hike. Visiting path: Store setup > General > General Rules

Taxes setting in Shopify. Visiting path: Settings > Taxes > Tax calculations

Pre-requisite 2: If you are syncing products from Shopify to Hike, please ensure you remove/amend the products with duplicate SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) or barcodes in Shopify. As Shopify doesn’t examine the uniqueness of products’ SKUs and barcodes, products with duplicate SKUs/barcodes in Shopify will not sync to Hike.

What information can sync between Hike and Shopify?

Please refer to the following table.

Information Type






Customer groups


Orders (Hike → Shopify)


Orders (Shopify → Hike)




Loyalty points


Gift cards


Discount offers


1. Shopify doesn’t support customer group features.
2. Although orders placed in Hike don’t sync to Shopify, the stock levels of products in the orders get updated in both Hike and Shopify.
3. Loyalty points do not sync between Hike and Shopify. However, you can reward customers with loyalty points when they place orders on Shopify.
4. Due to API limitations, gift cards do not sync between Hike and Shopify.
5. Due to API limitations, discount offers do not sync between Hike and Shopify.

Does the integration support the 3rd-party plugins in Shopify?

No. Due to API limitations, Hike and Shopify integration will only sync native information generated in Hike and Shopify. Any additional features, data, or information made available through a 3rd-party plugin in Shopify will not be synced to or from Hike. In other words, when you add a plugin in Shopify, it may provide additional functionality to your Shopify store; however, the additional features and data fields could not sync from Shopify to Hike.

Does the integration support managing multiple Hike outlets with multiple Shopify accounts/locations?

Sure, it does. It is possible with the Hike Multi-store plan. You can integrate each of your Shopify accounts with a non-integrated outlet in Hike. Navigate to Store Setup> Integrations and click on “Integrate another outlet” under Shopify, as shown in the image below. The procedure is exactly the same as your first integration setup between Hike and Shopify.

The integration page in Hike. Visiting path: Store setup > Integrations

You can also integrate each of your Shopify locations with an outlet in Hike for inventory tracking.

The integration settings page in Hike. Visiting path: Store setup > Integrations > Manage

As the case of multi-store integration varies based on the detailed requirements, please contact our chat support team for further review on how to manage your multi-store Shopify integration.
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