Gift Cards
Setting up Expiry date for Gift cards in Hike
You can pre-set the expiry date for any new gift cards that you create in Hike. For instance, if you want every gift cards to get expired after 30 days of creating them then you can set this in Hike. To set the expiry date, navigate to Products > ...
Tip: How can I use a previously sold Gift card as a payment if Gift card option is inactive
As per client requests, sometimes businesses do not sell Gift cards temporarily and keep the Gift card option inactive. However, they still want to use the already-sold Gift cards as the payment method for customers. To resolve this, we have provided ...
Issuing & Actioning Gift Cards
Gift cards are a great solution for retailers to embrace, as they not only attract new customers, but they also keep old ones engaged. The popularity of gift cards in times of birthdays and celebrations are such, that eschewing gift cards for your ...