Sales history
Browse between sales in Sales History
You can go to the Next sale or Previous sale with a click of a button, instead of having to close the sale and manually open the next or previous one. When you want to check what happened on a sale individually you will need to go to Sales history ...
Pick and Pack Fullfillment
Pick and pack fulfillment is a process in which a business receives orders for products, and then selects, packs, and ships those products to the customers who placed the orders. Pick and pack involves two processes — picking and packing. The Pick ...
Make the Customer field editable for the Walk-In customers from the Sales History page
To make it a bit more flexible, We are giving an option to add a customer name in the ‘Walk-In’ sales for any off-street sales that you make. You can use this feature where you do not wish to create a customer profile for that off-street sale ...
Exchange A Completed Sale on iPad/Android Tablet
If your customer would like to exchange what he bought with a new product, you could perform the exchange action from sales history. The instructions below explain how to do it on an iPad or Android tablet. The screenshots below are taken on an ...
Refund Or Exchange Sales Processed In A Different Outlet
Hike allows your staff to refund/exchange sales which were previously processed in a different outlet. The feature is supported on a PC/Mac/iPad. First, you will need to activate the feature in the general rules under Store setup >>> General, as ...
Exchange A Completed Sale on PC/Mac
If your customer would like to exchange what he bought with a new product, you could perform the exchange action on the page Point of Sale >>> Sales history. The instructions below show you how to perform the exchange on a computer. First, you would ...
Refund Customers With Store Credits
You can only refund an order with store credits if a customer has been added to it. First, please navigate to Point of Sale >>> Sales history, and locate the sale with the help of the search box, the order fulfilment status and the date range. ...
Sales History Overview
The sales history is a feature that allows you to see and access all the transactions that you have made with your point of sale system. You can use the sales history overview to find: • Filter and search for a specific sale by date, number, source, ...
Why do I sometimes see duplicate receipt numbers?
With speed and reliability in mind, when you open a register on your computer, Hike will pre-fetch the receipt number from our servers and put it aside for your next sale. The receipt number is saved locally on your device. However, if a sale is not ...
Completing Sales in Hike
Creating and actioning sales in your point-of-sale system is just one part of the process. The other, is completing them once they have been finalized, either by the customer or the retailer. Such sales orders that need to be fulfilled at a time, ...