Integrations - Shopify
How Sync Now Button Works in Hike Shopify Integration
Sometimes, the sync between Hike and Shopify may fail. In this scenario, you may need to manually trigger the sync of a particular individual item, by using the SYNC NOW feature. In order to access this feature, you need to ensure you have already ...
FAQ on Integration with Shopify - Sales
Hike allows you to set up the integration with Shopify. Regarding how to set it up, please refer to How to integrate Shopify with Hike. In this article, we are trying to answer some of the questions frequently asked about the sales syncing with ...
FAQ on Integration with Shopify - Customers
Hike allows you to set up the integration with Shopify. Regarding how to set it up, please refer to How to integrate Shopify with Hike. In this article, we are trying to answer some of the questions frequently asked about syncing customer data with ...
FAQ on Integration with Shopify - Products
Hike allows you to set up the integration with Shopify. Regarding how to set it up, please refer to How to integrate Shopify with Hike. In this article, we are trying to answer some of the questions frequently asked about the product syncing with ...
FAQ on Integration with Shopify - General
Hike allows you to set up the integration with Shopify. Regarding how to set it up, please refer to How to integrate Shopify with Hike. In this article, we will answer some of the questions frequently asked about the Hike Shopify integration in ...
Shopify Integration - Settings Explained
For a breakdown of what happens when you connect, read on, you’re in the right place. The below table helps explain what happens between Shopify and Hike when they talk to each other, what data gets shared, and under which circumstances it happens. ...
How to Manage Shopify - Sync Process Log
If you want to know how to integrate Shopify in Hike, you’re in the right place. INTEGRATIONS - SYNC PROCESS LOG This section will be relevant if you require a short summary listing of your data syncing between Hike and Shopify. This may be required ...
How to Manage Shopify - Error Log
If you want to know how to integrate Shopify in Hike, you’re in the right place. INTEGRATIONS - ERROR LOG This section will be relevant if you ever wish to investigate any issues with your data syncing between Hike and Shopify. This may be required ...
How to Manage Shopify - Manual Sync
If you want to know how to manually sync data between Shopify and Hike, you’re in the right place. Shopify Integration - Manual Sync This section will be relevant if you ever wish to manually force your data between Hike and Shopify to sync. This may ...
How to integrate Shopify with Hike
Hike offers built-in integration with Shopify. Connect your Hike store with Shopify to seamlessly integrate your in-store Hike POS and Shopify’s eCommerce store. Note: As per the recent update from Shopify, Shopify Basic plan will not share customer ...