What Can't I See My Xero Account in The Dropdown Lists in Sync Settings

What Can't I See My Xero Account in The Dropdown Lists in Sync Settings

If you cannot see your Xero account in the dropdown list in sync settings, it could be caused by 3 reasons.
  1. You might have created or changed the account while the window of sync settings was open. Please close the window, and click on the "MANAGE" button to open it again. Please note, if you haven't clicked on the "SAVE" button on the top right corner, what you have set won't be saved by Hike.
  2. You might have set the account under an improper account type in Xero. For example, you cannot find your revenue account in the dropdown list of "Purchase (COGS) account for inventory items". Please consult your accountant for the proper type of the account. After changing it, it should appear in the dropdown list.
  3. You might have missed setting a code for the account. Please set a code for it, as shown in the screenshot below.

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