Troubleshooting Excel Errors for products

Troubleshooting Excel Errors for products

When importing an Excel file into Hike, a missing field or incorrect data will cause errors and for your products to be not being synced. Fortunately, Hike makes it easy to rectify any such errors for a quick fix.

On this page we’ll go through how you would troubleshoot such excel errors.

Note: Whilst the example used here will be an error on a Products excel file, the same steps apply for both Suppliers and Customers import files.

Firstly, you will notice any errors in your Record Log after you have completed the mapping of your excel data fields to Hike.


Under status you have two options:

  • View and Fix Errors
  • Download Records with Error

By clicking View and Fix errors, you will get a full breakdown of the products that have problems with their syncing and ones that have imported successfully.

At the top of the screen you will see three boxes:

  • Problems Found – The number of products that have been unsuccessful in importing.
  • A-OK – The number of products that have been successful in importing.
  • Total Records – The total number of products that are to be imported from your Excel file.

Under Records, will appear all the products that have not been successful in importing.

Click Edit on the first product to view the problem.


Hike will then direct you to the product record details – this will appear in the form of Hike’s template, regardless of whether you used it or not.

The specific problem related to your product will be described in red at the top left of the screen.

In the example below, the problem states that a Variant is required.


Scrolling down to the variant section of the Product Records shows that whilst a variant option value was listed in the excel file, a variant option name was not.

Enter the missing value and click Save & Next to go on to the next problem.


Once all issues are fixed click on Save & Finish, where you will then be taken back to the Import/Export screen.

Your excel upload will still show errors in the Result column, however you need to click Reprocess in Status, to activate the changes.


As the changes are syncing, use the Refresh button to see the latest updates. If successfully fixed, you will then see the status as Processed, with all your imported items in Hike POS.


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