Switching between multiple Outlets and/or multiple Cash Registers, with Hike’s robust iPad POS is a streamlined, and simple process.
First, draw up the Hike menu by clicking on the hamburger icon (☰) on the top-left of the screen and select Cash Register.
On the right-hand side of your Cash Register page, you will see the Change Outlet / Register button.
Selecting it will prompt a pop-up message, asking you to confirm that you want to change the outlet/register. Click Yes to continue.
Note: If you currently have an active register, you may wish to close it. See below for more information.
A new screen will then slide open, asking you to select a register.
You will notice that across the top are tabs for each of the Outlets that you currently have on Hike POS.
When selected, your Cash Registers for those outlets will appear underneath.
Select the outlet and register, that you wish to switch to.
Hike will take a moment to load your database, upon which you will be taken straight to the Enter Sale screen.
Select Open Register at the bottom of your receipt basket.
You will then be prompted to enter your float (and any notes that you wish to ascribe to it) to open your register.
Once you have entered the float amount, select the Open Register circle button.
You are now ready to sell on this Cash Register.
Once you have completed sales, and you want to close your register, you will need to select Cash Register from the Hike menu again.
Select Close Register.
This will slide open a new screen where you will verify your balance and close your register.
Ensure that you have counted all your cash takings and entered the corresponding value in the Counted field.
You may wish to use the Notes section to signify any differences between your expected takings and actual takings.
Click on Close Register, once you’re done.
Creating new outlets and registers will need to be done in the Admin section of Hike POS.
Hike advises that when editing Users in Hike, you do so on a PC or Mac, as the process is more conducive for editing, but it is of course very possible to perform these actions on an iPad as well.
To do, so you must first ensure that the user logged into Hike POS has access to the Admin section of Hike – in most instances, this will only be the Administrator of Hike POS.
Then, draw up the Hike menu by clicking on the hamburger icon (☰) on the top-left of the screen and select Admin.
Note: The link to the Admin page will not appear if the user logged in has no access to it.
You will then be taken to the Admin (Back Office) page where you will be able to create new outlets and register and or/edit, and delete them.
This process is exactly the same as it is if you were performing the function on a PC or Mac computer/laptop.
To find out more about Adding & Editing Outlets and Cash Registers in Hike POS, click here.