To make your data easier to understand, Hike breaks down all the activity to these key reports.
All reports share the same fields below.
As per all reports, choose the outlet you wish to see from the Find... drop down menu.
Date range
Click on the date range box to choose to see data from Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month or a Custom range.
Click the APPLY button to data from that date period.
Click the EXPORT button to export the current report you are viewing for the date range selected.
Choose between PDF or Excel (.XLSX) format.
We will now go through the sections available on screen exclusively for Payments Reports.
Payment Summery
Types report
Types report lists the payment types used to complete transactions. Use the search box to only display details of a particular payment type within the date range selected.
Payment Type column
Lists funds received by payment type, ie cash, card, credit balance(clients issued store credit as refund)
Total collected column
All sales received in this payment type, ie cash, card, etc
Refunds column
All sales refunded in this payment type, ie cash, card, etc
Net column
Total collected less refunds provides net sales in this payment type, ie cash, card, etc
Payment transactions report
Payment transactions report lists the type of payment types used to complete transactions i.e. will display if full transaction was partially paid by cash and partially paid by card. Will display the data across 2 or more lines on the table. The first line lists the full sale price. The following lines break down any full or partial payments to pay the full sale price. Use the search box to filter details by transaction number and date within the date range selected.

Receipt transaction ID
Invoice number
Total amount column
The full sale price of the invoice
Total tax column
The full tax charged on the invoice
Date & Time column
Date & time of any full or partial payment made towards the invoice
User column
User that processed the full or partial payment made towards the invoice on the particular date & time
Payment method column
Payment type used to pay, i.e. cash, card, credit balance(clients issued store credit as refund)
Payment amount column
Monetary amount received for the full or partial payment made towards the invoice on the particular date & time
Sales tax collected report
Tax collected report lists the amount collected under the different tax types. Some countries and industries only have one tax, others may have different types of tax applicable in different circumstances. Use the search box to filter details by tax type within the date range selected.

Deleted payments report
Deleted payments report lists any payments deleted. Use the search box to filter details by transaction number or payment type within the date range selected.

Sale # column
Invoice number
Payments column
All payments received, including taxes
Payment type column
Lists funds received by payment type, i.e. cash, card, credit balance(clients issued store credit as refund)
Payment date & time column
Date & time of any full or partial payment made towards the invoice
Payment deleted by column
The User signed in, who deleted the payment
Deleted date & time column
Date & time any full or partial payment made was deleted
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