Inventory Report

Inventory Report

To make your data easier to understand, Hike breaks down all the activity to these key reports.

All reports share the same fields below.


As per all reports, choose the outlet you wish to see from the Outlet drop down menu.

Filter by...

Search & select one or more products, brands, product types, suppliers, seasons or tags to filter your results. This will only provides inventory reports for the particular data you are after.

Date range

Click on the date range box to choose to see data from Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month or a Custom range.

Click the APPLY button to data from that date period.


Click the EXPORT button to export the current report you are viewing for the date range selected.

Choose between PDF or Excel (.XLSX) format.

We will now go through the sections available on screen exclusively for Inventory Reports.

Current inventory report

Current inventory report lists details of the current inventory. Use the search box to only display details of a particular product within the date range selected. 

Use the tick box Show low inventory items only (that has reached reorder level)  and Exclude items with 0 (zero) for re-order level to only display specific data, if you have completed the settings in the Products settings

  • Product column

  • The name of the product / variant, ie shirt, size small
  • SKU/Bar-code of the product is also listed next to the Product name
  • Inventory column

  • The first number listed displays On-hand stock, but if you hover the mouse over this box, will see three units displayed for each outlet, in order of
    • Current stock available
    • stock committed on back order, layby or parked
    • Available stock for sale
  • Reorder qty column

    • The preset stock level suggested to reorder when stock levels hit the reorder point (if no settings made, will default to 0)
  • Reorder point column

    • The preset stock level suggested to trigger an alert if stock levels ever reached this level (if no settings made, will default to 0)
  • Unit cost column

    • The cost of the individual product unit, excluding any taxes. In Hike we use the Weighted Average cost which is the most commonly used when inventory are intertwined. It is the average of all the history cost price.
      • The formula behind is divide the cost of goods available to sale by the number of unites available for sale. Taking an example if you have a phone accessory store, and you purchase 10 phone cases for $10/unit. Next month, you purchase another 5 phone cases for $5/unit. At the end of the accounting period, you sold 4 phone cases; the weighted average cost will be calculated like this: (10qty* $10/unit + 5qty *$5/unit)/(10qty+5qty)= $8.33/unit
      • Please Note, the average cost will only be updated based on PO, manually change of the cost price under product detail page or via product file upload will not affect the average cost.
  • Total cost column

    • The cost of the total inventory of product units held, excluding any taxes
  • Retail price column

    • The retail sale price of the individual product unit, excluding any taxes
  • Retail value (Ex. tax) column

  •            The retail sale price of the total inventory of product units held, excluding any taxes.
  • Retail value (inc. tax) column

    • The retail sale price of the total inventory of product units held, including taxes.
      NOTE: Current Inventory will only be available for the current date. No past data will be available on this report. Hence, you do not have option to select the time-frame on this report.Group by Brand:

    • Group by Brand

      You can group your current inventory report based on the Brands. A check-box called ‘Group by Brand’ is added which will allow this change on the My Inventory page and consolidate products based on their brands.

      This will also show the total number of stocks available in each brand at any given point.

Inventory purchase report

Inventory purchase report lists details of Purchase Order activity. Use the search box to only display details of a particular Purchase Order number within the date range selected. 

  • PO# column

    The Purchase Order number
  • Supplier column

    The supplier associated with the Purchase Order
  • Qty column

    The original stock level ordered
  • Qty received column

    The actual stock level recorded as received
  • Cost column

    The total cost of the stock on the Purchase Order

Inventory adjustment report

Inventory adjustment report lists details of changes to stock level activity, typically by adjusting the stock levels in the Product details.

  • Date column

    Date of the inventory adjustment along with the product name and SKU of the product adjusted.
  • User column

    User that performed the inventory adjustment
  • Outlet column

  • The outlet name where the Inventory was adjusted. If you are using Multiple outlets, you can see on which outlet the inventory was adjusted. This will be helpful for multiple outlet high-volume product business users.
  • Adjustment reason column

    Details which product was adjusted
  • Spoilage/Lost cost column

    The cost and notes for the Spoilage/Lost product when performing the stock-take
  • Adjustment column

    What the adjustment amount was
  • Before and After column

    What the stock level before and after the adjustment was
Data can be filtered based on Sales, Purchase orders, Stock takes, Inventory transfers, Manual adjustments, Data Import, Transition from integrated apps by click on the filter icon on the top right corner of the table.

Cost of goods sold (COGS) report

Cost of goods sold report lists details of the cost of goods sold. Use the search box to only display details of a particular product within the date range selected. 

  • Item column

    The product name of the item sold
  • Quantity sold column

    The number of units of the product sold within the set time frame
  • Sale (Ex. tax) column

    Displays the amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and refunds, paid by cash, card, gift card, on account, for the total sales of the particular item
  • Purchase cost column

    The cost price of the individual good, before tax
  • Average cost column

    The average cost price of the individual good. This is applicable when you selected wheighted average cost option in your General settings.
  • Discounts given column

    The monetary total of all discounts applied to that type of product
  • Spillage / Lost cost column

    The monetary total of all losses applied to that type of product due to refunds without returning goods or from inventory adjustments
  • Gross profit column

    Gross profit = revenue - cost of goods sold
  • Margin % column

    The percentage difference between the cost for acquiring products and the selling price
  1. Retail Price

          This will show the actual average price for the product before the discounts. This will be calculated based on the Retail price of the product divided by the number of items sold for this product.

Changes in cost price report

Changes in cost price report helps you check the changes in cost price and margin of the product. Use the search box to only display details of a particular product within the date range selected. 

  • Item

Name of the product

  • SKU

Stock Keeping unit of the product.

  • Barcode

Barcode of the product.

  • Locations

Name of outlet from which the sale was

  • Cost Price Before

Cost price of the product before the changes were made.

  • New Cost Price

Cost price of the product after price was changed.

  • Margin Before

Margin of the product before cost price was changed.

  • New Margin

Margin of the product after cost price was changed.

  • Retail Price

Current retail price of the product.

Composite product inventory report

This feature allows you to go through the current inventory of all composite products. Here you can find the detailed view of composite product and component product. You can find the On hand, Selling Quantity along with the retail prices, SKU, Barcode of the product. 

The report automatically gets updated when product quantity adjusted by sale or updated manually. By clicking on 'Export' option you can export the report in PDF or Excel file format. For example, if you refund the sale of any composite product the 'On hand' quantity will be added automatically and vice versa. 

Also, you can search the products by product name in sub-search column. In the main search filter you can filter by putting product type, supplier, season, tags etc. 

Under Reporting >> Inventory >> Composite product inventory report. Please refer to the screenshot below:

Please note, if inventory tracking 'Track inventory for this product' option for any component product is not enabled you will find 'On hand' quantity as N/A

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