How to print Detail Credit Note Receipt for the Customers.

How to print Detail Credit Note Receipt for the Customers.

It is always convenient to provide your customer a detailed receipt with all his data such as Loyalty, store credits and outstanding if any. Now you can issue the customer's Credit Note Report which contains the below details.

Loyalty Balance.
Current outstanding.
Store credit.
Total issued amount.
Total redeemed amount.

To use this, please follow Customers>>Customers>>click on the customer for which you want to print the report and there you can find the option of Detail Credit Note Receipt,
Once clicked it will directly print the report for that customer.

Please find the below screenshot for your reference.

This ensures that your customers are always aware of how much store credit they have left, providing them with peace of mind and enhancing their overall shopping experience.
Please note that this receipt can only be printed in A4 formate at the momoen
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