How to Manage Xero - Sync Settings

How to Manage Xero - Sync Settings

Hike enables you to integrate with Xero to manage inventory, customers, suppliers, and purchase orders.


This section will be relevant if you ever have to edit your account settings between Hike and Xero.
Having already activated your Xero account, you will find the MANAGE button to the right. Click on the MANAGE button to reveal the integration settings.


This section exists to match all the settings in Hike to all the settings in Xero. If this is not done correctly, your activity may not properly be recorded when synced between Hike or Xero.
Xero has an integration rule: when integrating all information, if any is incorrect, all will be rejected. For example, if you performed the end-of-day sync, and one item had an error syncing, all data would be rejected. You will be able to find the error in the logs and resolve it.
Let's go through the sections, explaining the relevant fields, starting at the top of the page:


Please select how you'd like to sync your sale transactions. There are two ways you can send sales transactions from Hike to your accounting software:
  1. Send individual transactions as invoices with all line items
    • Tick the Detail each invoice button
  2. Send receipt totals only when you close your register. The second option is not suggested if you are tracking inventory movement for your products
    • Tick the Send a summary by account button


  • Purchase account code for inventory product
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list
  • Sales account code for inventory product
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list
  • Inventory asset account
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list
  • Inventory adjustment accounts
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list
  • Purchase account code for non-inventory product
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list
  • Sales account code for non-inventory product
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list

In the same way, you can map all the other accounts shown on the integration page between Hike and Xero.


  • Just a few more sections to go through!


Select the outlet to sync data to/from Xero. If you have multiple outlets, you can choose which outlets you want to sync inventory with Xero. Alternatively, you can link those outlets to separate  Xero organizations by setting up a connection for each outlet separately.

  • Hike tax
    Lists the taxes you have created in Hike
  • Xero sales tax
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list
  • Xero purchase tax
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list


  • Hike payment option
    Lists the Payment names you have in Payment > Payment Types section, used to complete transactions
  • Xero payment option
    Choose the corresponding Xero account from the drop-down list


  • You're nearly at the end!


Use this table to control how your data is sent to and from Hike

  • Sync type
    The type of data being synced

  • 2-way
    Tick this box if you want data sent to and from Hike and Xero

  • Hike - Xero
    Tick this box if you want data only sent from Hike to Xero

  • Xero - Hike
    Tick this box if you want data only sent from Xero to Hike

  • No Sync
    Tick this box if you do not want to sync data between Hike and Xero 


Hike uses 'SKU' as a unique identifier for products. This is standard practice for most of our accounting and eCommerce partners. However, if the application you are trying to sync does not require the SKU numbers, you might have some products without SKUs.
In that case, to sync/import your non-SKU products, Hike can auto-create SKU numbers. Please select the best suitable option:
  • Auto-create SKU numbers to sync those products and variants- tick this box to automatically add SKUs to products being added that do not have an SKU
  • Do not sync non-SKU products and related orders now, I'll first manually create SKUs for those- tick this box to not add products that do not have an SKU


If the SAVE button is lightly grayed out, it means there is a section you have not completed.
Otherwise, click the SAVE button to finish.


If you have added additional accounts, such as payment types to Hike, you may be prompted to complete the first-time sync. Only if this occurred you will get the following screen appearing. Afterward, the data will just save, but for now, there is one final step.

If you chose two-way sync, you will need to confirm what will happen the first time you sync. If the same data is in Hike and Xero, you need to advise which is the primary data to overwrite the other.
Use this table to control how your data is sent to and from Hike
  • Sync type
    The type of data being synced
  • Hike - Xero
    Tick this box if you want data only sent from Hike to Xero
  • Xero - Hike
    Tick this box if you want data only sent from Xero to Hike


Once you have made your choice for the first time sync, click the SAVE button to finalize. Hike will immediately start syncing with Xero.

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