How to configure Hike with Moneris Payment

How to configure Hike with Moneris Payment

You can easily configure the integration between Hike and Moneris via the eConduit gateway. The integration is supported in Canada. Before you start the process, please make sure your terminal and your PC/Mac/iPad connected to the same Internet connection. The terminals supported are eConduit Cloud P400 and eConduit Cloud e355.

Note: The Moneris integration is supported via eConduit (Blackline) gateway. Please contact our Hike sales team before ordering the terminal. Otherwise, the terminal may not work correctly with Hike.

The Moneris integration is available on PC, Mac and iPad. The instructions below is suitable for Hike users on PC and Mac devices.

If you want to use the Moneris integration on your tablet, you should first complete the configuration on your PC/Mac computer. After this is done, please go to your tablet's Hike App and navigate to Settings -> General settings, and click on "Data Sync". After the data sync process is completed, you should be able to use the Moneris payment type with your tablet. 

Configuring the Moneris Payment Type

  1. Login into hike store using your store URL (i.e. 
  2. Go to Store setup ->Payment types -> Add new payment type -> enter the payment name -> select Moneris Payment as payment type -> click “Save" 

  3. Once above payment type created, you will see it listed in the payment type page in Hike click on the red text "configuration required" -> it will direct you to below page. You will need to enter your terminal serial number which normally showing on a label attached at the back of your terminal

  4. Once entered, click on "PAIR" button on top-right of your screen. Once configured, it will show blue text "Configured" and you are ready to go:)

  5. If you have multiple Moneris devices and would like to use them on each register, you can repeat from step 2 by creating other Moneris, make sure you give different payment name so you can differentiate them. For the convenience of the user, we suggest only allocate this payment type to the registers that will use Moneris by selecting available outlet and register like below then repeat step 3 and 4 to configure: 

Process payment with Moneris Payment

  1. Once Moneris has been configured go the process sell page from “Point of Sale -> Process sale”. Add item(s) into cart and click on the pay button it will open slider. 

  2. Once select the Moneris option, it send update to your terminal to swipe/insert card, please follow instruction from the terminal to complete the transaction.

Process refund with Moneris Payment

You can only refund to Moneris on the same invoice with exact amount paid via Moneris. For example, the total for a sale was $100, $2 paid via Moneris and $98 paid by cash. When you refund via Moneris it will only allow to refund less than or equal to $2. 

To process refund please go to “Point of Sale -> Sale history”. Click on “Refund” link to make refund request which will redirect you to process sell page to refund the sale

Click on “Refund” will open slider to process with it by following instruction on your device 


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