Price change history is where you can check price change of a particular product. It's a log recording the price change and how it was caused. You can track when the product prices have changed and how and who changed the pro
With this option, you can track the changes in Cost price as well as Retail price.
You can visit the Product Price change history by clicking on CHANGE HISTORY on the product page of a product.Date
The time and date when the change occurred.
If the product is a simple product, it will show its product name; if the product is a variant product, it will show the product name of the particular variant.
Where the Price change occurred.
What type of operation triggered the price change.
The details of the action.
Cost price before
The cost price before the change occurred.
Cost price
The cost price after change occurred.
Retail (Ex. Tax) before
The Retail (Ex. Tax) before the change occurred.
Retail (Ex. Tax)
The Retail (Ex. Tax) After the change occurred.
Retail price (Inc. Tax) beforeThe Retail (Inc. Tax) before the change occurred.
Retail price (Inc. Tax)
This option allows you to check which Hike user made changes to the product price. It will help you double-check your staff activity concerning product updates.