The Dashboard is there to give you a quick overview of how your business is performing, with several key graphs to show different aspects.

On all the Graphs, you will find the following at the top of the page:
Find outlet...
As per all reports, choose the outlet you wish to see from the Find... drop-down menu.
Date Range
Click on the date range box to choose to see data from Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month, or a Custom range.
Click the APPLY button to select data from that date period.
Large tiles
Each tile displays key facts about your business.
Sales (Ex Tax)
Revenue (Ex Tax) is the amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and refunds, paid by cash, card, gift card, or on account.
Change refers to the percentage difference from the start to the end of the selected time frame.
Gross profit
Gross profit = revenue - cost of goods sold
Change refers to the percentage difference from the start to the end of the selected time frame.
Average sale value
The sum of all sales during the chosen time frame, is divided by the number of sales that took place.
Change refers to the percentage difference from the start to the end of the selected time frame.
New customers
The number of new customers added during the chosen time frame.
Change refers to the percentage difference from the start to the end of the selected time frame.
Depending on which tab you pick, will present different data.
Sales graph

Displays Revenue (ex-tax) in bar graph format
- Hover the mouse over the graph to get a total of each column.
- X axis- time frame, as selected from the date range
- Y axis- the monetary amount
The display also shows the Payments, sales, and refunds for the day for each outlet. The Average sale value: Total value of all sale/Number of transactions. (Refund and voided sales are not considered)
Product types of graphs
Displays division of sales by product type (formerly known as categories) in a pie chart format, for the time frame selected.

- The pie chart displays Product Types as a percentage of total sales.
- Hovering the mouse over any section will reveal a pop-up box noting the Product Type name and percentage of sales.
- The color-coded key to the right lists all the Product Types and corresponding sales
Days graph
Displays division of sales by days in a pie chart format, for the time frame selected.

- The pie chart displays the days of the week as a percentage of total sales
- Hovering the mouse over any section will reveal a pop-up box noting the day of the week and the percentage of sales.
- The color-coded key to the right lists all the days and corresponding sales
Time graph
Displays sales by hours of the day in a bar graph format,
i.e., select a time frame of the last 7 days, and the graph will display the average of all sales that occurred every day, over the last 7 days, within every hour of that day, for example between 2:00 pm and 2:59 pm

- Hover the mouse over the graph to get a sum total of each column, for that particular hour.
- X axis- 24 hours, with each hour represented by one column
- Y axis- a monetary amount
Team table
Displays sales by staff in a table format, with columns - member, sales, rate (%)

Member column
Lists the name of a staff member.
Sales column
Lists total sales made by staff members within a selected time frame.
Rate (%) column
Lists the percentage of total sales made by a staff member against all sales made by all staff within a selected time frame.
My sales target

Displays Sales amount and Achieved ratio in bar graph format
- Hover the mouse over the graph to get an amount and achieved ratio of each column.
- X axis- time frame, as selected from the date range
- Y axis- the monetary amount