To make your data easier to understand, Hike breaks down all the activity to these key reports.
All reports share the same fields below.
As per all reports, choose the outlet you wish to see from the Outlet... drop down menu.
Date range
Click on the date range box to choose to see data from Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month or a Custom range.
Click the APPLY button to data from that date period.
Click the EXPORT button to export the current report you are viewing for the date range selected.
Choose between PDF or Excel (.XLSX) format.
We will now go through the sections available on screen exclusively for Customers Reports.
Customer balance report
Customer balance report lists which customers have purchased On Account, with an outstanding balance to be paid. Use the search box to only display details of a particular customer within the date range selected.
Customer name column
Name of the customer with an invoice outstanding on account
Number of invoices column
Number of outstanding invoices on account, the customer has
Outstanding Column
The total amount outstanding of all unpaid invoices on account
Loyalty points
Loyalty points report lists details of Loyalty Points that customers have earned, used and have remaining. Use the search box to only display details of a particular transaction.
Sale #
Invoice number
Lists if transaction was
- A sale, earning points and increasing points balance
- A payment, using points and decreasing points balance
The date of the transaction
The total sale price of the transaction
Accrued points
How many points were earned in that transaction
Points used
How many points were used in that transaction
Opening balance
How many points were held, in total, before the transaction was completed
Closing balance
How many points, in total, the customer now has
Gift card Transaction
Gift card balance report lists transactions made with Gift cards. Use the search box to only display details of a particular customer or Gift Card number within the date range selected.
Gift Card
The number of the Gift card (used to submit transactions)
Customer name
The name of the customer who purchased the card, if the customer was assigned to the sale
Sale #
The transaction number when the Gift card was used, includes the time & date used
Sale total
The total amount of the transaction
Paid using gift card
How much of the sale total was paid using the gift card
Status of the Gift card. Issued, Redeemed etc
Acc. receivables statement
This report will show on account sales and payments received in a selected date range.
- You can choose to display the customers with outstanding balance and activity during the selected period, or those who currently have an outstanding amount. Further, you can use the 3 filters, customer group, customer name, and balance range, to quickly filter the searched results. You can also include what the customer bought in the reports by ticking "Include items summary".

- Once all the relevant filters are applied, a list will be generated with customer names, contact details and outstanding balances. This can easily be used as an on-screen follow-up call list.
- Click on anywhere in the list to view that customer’s itemized statement. The details include all the purchases and payment transactions for a selected data range period.

We have also provided a feature to add your Bank details in the Account Receivable statement send to customer. This will make life easier for the customer to make the payment directly into your Bank account.
- You can select and send all statements to print at once.
- You can also choose to email or print the statements one by one.
- An A4 sized printed statement will be generated for each customer. The statements are readily designed to be used with windowed envelopes.
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