Adding Products Into Purchase Orders Via Spreadsheets

Adding Products Into Purchase Orders Via Spreadsheets

When you need to add a lot of products into Stock Purchase Order, you can import and add products through Spreadsheet.


To start on, kindly navigate to: Inventory > Purchases > +Add New (as per the screenshot below)

After getting New Purchase Order screen, select “IMPORT ITEMS TO THIS ORDER”

You will get the pop-up screen as per below: There you can click on “download our import file template” & download the templte file.

Download the template and if you don’t know how to put item details, please go to your product list and put correct information in the spreadsheet.

As well as, if you want to update the cost of the poroducts in the purchase order, Please check the important note mentioned in the template. As mentioned in it, if you are going to change the cost, pleae enter data only in “New Cost” column in spreadsheet, if the item cost is different from the cost on the product list. If they are same, please keep “New Cost” & “Cost Change Type” blank.

Also, if you would like to update the cost of the products in the purchase order, please check the important note mentioned in the template. As mentioned in it, you will only need to enter data in the “New cost” field if the item cost is different from the cost on the product page. If they are the same, please keep “New cost” and “Cost change type" fields blank.

Please put “0,1 & 2” in the Cost Change Types as per follows.

0: Temporary Change- applies only to this PO

1: Permanent- Update Selling price with same profit margin

2: Permanent- Update Profit margin same selling price

Make sure you import the file upto 4MB.

It will import the products you updated in the spreadsheet.

You can view the import log which has been imported successfully from the spreadsheet.

While importing if you got any error, you can check the error log by selecting “View import log” as per the below screenshot and you can also download the error log file by selecting “Download records with error” and rectify from the downloaded spreadsheet.

You can correct the error in the downloaded file “records with error” & re-import the file so it will be imported successfully.

After importing all the records successfully, you can save the Purchase Order.

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