Ability to disable open cash drawer permission

Ability to disable open cash drawer permission

When managing several employees, there’s always the likelihood that a cashier will make a mistake that affects the end-of-day report or inventory. And as long as people are working in the stores, taking inventory, and managing money from the cash drawers, you’re required to account for human error from time to time.

With that said, cash discrepancies are a serious issue. Even though the money is not missing, it still requires a manager to spend a lot of time verifying receipts, tallying the money, noting down the mistakes, and fixing them. Additionally, there’s not much that managers can do to reduce the possibility of human error except better training and limiting one person to a cash register at a time. Therefore, we have developed an additional feature where the admin can choose whether the cashier should be able to open the cash drawer without processing a sale or not.

You can enable/disable the permission for cashiers or any other users by navigating to Users > Select the desired user > Actions > Permissions. Have a look at the below screenshot for your reference:

Once you will disable the option “Open cash drawer without sale” from the permission section, the user will not get an option to select “Open cash drawer” on the POS screen.

Here is the screenshot with the option “Open cash drawer without sale” selected:

Here is the screenshot with the option “Open cash drawer without sale” not selected:

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